Friday, June 20, 2014

Urgent, Romania, Galati, Ecosal 'shelter' , STOP the MASSACRE of dogs!,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: STOP the MASSACRE of dogs in ECOSAL Shelter, Romania

Mr. Mayor Marius Stan and Galati City Hall:  

We are outraged by what you decided about the dogs in the HORRIBLE shelter ECOSAL. Not only you did not take ANY MEASURE to stop the horrible treatment those dogs are subjected to by ALL the shelters employees, including the manager and the vet technician Bejenaru ( PAIS FROM PUBLIC MONEY ) but NOW you decided to KILL almost 1,000, saying that you want to use the money to help children. We know that children' allowance is given by the GOVERNMENT not by the CIty Halls....

Suntem REVOLTATI, de ceea ce ati hotarat pentru cainii din ORIBILUL adapost ECOSAL. Nu numai ca nu ati luat nici o masura sa opriti ororile la care sunt supusi cainii in acel adapost de catre TOTI angajatii , inclusiv directoarea adapostului, dna CUCU si tehnicianul veterinar BEJENARU, acum ati hotarat UNCIDEREA a aproape 1.000 de caini pretextand ca veti folosi banii ca sa ajutati copiii. Stim ca alocatiile pentru copii sunt date de STAT nu de consiliile locale.

We recommend veterinarian EUGEN DAN GASCA to REFUSE TO MASSACRE the dogs in ECOSAL Shelter.
Ii recomandam veterinarului EUGEN DAN GASCA sa REFUZE sa masacreze cainii de la Ecosal.

We are aware of the horrible way animals are being treated there, and we also blame Ecosal Director Ionut Pucheanu 
Suntem informati despre felul ORIBIL in care sunt tratati cainii la ECOSALiar Directorul Ecosal Ionut Pucheanu are o mare vina.
Do you like this petition ? 
Va place aceasta petitie ?
We ask you to immediately REVERSE this decision and to collaborate with all organizations ready to help, otherwise your own image and the image of your town and country will be tarnished and tourists might think twice before deciding top visit Romania. It may also happen that many people will avoid Romanian products.

VA rugam sa anulati imediat aceasta decizie si sa colaborati cu toate organizatiile care se ofera sa ajute, altfel atat imaginea dumneavoastra cat si imaginea Galatiului si a Romaniei vor avea de suferit si turistii se vor gandi de doua ori inainte de a decide sa viziteze Romania. De asemenea s-ar putea ca si produsele romanesti sa fie evitate. 

We will inform about this HORRIBLE decision all Galati's sister cities.
Vom informa toate orasele infratite cu Galati despre aceasta decizie barbara.
Coventry, United Kingdom; Greece Piraeus, Greece 
France Pessac, France;Costa Rica Limón, Costa Rica; 
United States Hammond, United States;
Ancona, Italy,Italy Jesi, Italy;Scottsbluff, United States;
India Mumbai, India; Italy Brindisi, Italy; 

Thank you for reversing the DEATH SENTENCE for the dogs in ECOSAL .
Va multimim si speram sa anulati SENTINTA DE MOARTE pentru cainii de la ECOSAL.



  1. Thankfully social media has exposed the terrible brutality that you are inflicting on innocent dogs. Thousands now know and we will continue to spread and show your actions.
    The numerous stray problem is a problem YOU have created! YOU need to deal with it humanely and that doesn't mean starving and shovelling these animals to death. They feel pain, agony, fear, despair in the same way a human does. You make their existence sheer hell on earth. No wonder Galati is called hell!
    You can no longer cover up your behaviour, the world is watching and seeing thank god - we will not stop to expose you.
    Work with the charities who can help you to help them. Treat these dogs better, let the charities help, find homes, give medicine, and yes PTS humanely those dogs that are sick.
    This is wrong - change your ways, stop the massacres, allow help. We are not crazy do gooders, we care, we will not give up.
