Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 31


https://koreandogs.org/damyang/ Updated. Damyang, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!
https://anima.dk/landbrugsdyr/luk-blodfarmene-stop-overgreb-p%C3%A5-gravide-heste#.Y8aun3bMJaQ If not signed yet. Tens of thousands of horses suffer on South American "blood farms". Here, pregnant mares are drained of large amounts of blood and subjected to severe neglect!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/urgent-arret-exportation-animaux-elevage-union/200035 Urgent: stop the export of farmed animals outside the European Union! To validate
https://support.peta.org/page/45584/action/1 Wild Animals Languish in Lagoon Amusement Park’s Tiny Cages and Barren Pens
https://jedertag.lpages.co/stierkampf2023/ Reminder. Spain. Stop Bullfighting!
https://peticaopublica.com/mobile/pview.aspx?pi=PT114513 Portugal. Save the wetland of Alagoas Brancas (Use 10x 0 at BI ou CC ou CR (*) )
https://www.change.org/p/salvate-la-colonia-felina-di-villafora Italy. Save the cat colony of Villafora, Local Police removes the shelters for the cat colony surveyed and well cared for by the volunteers! Send an email too
https://www.change.org/p/viajar-con-mi-mascota-de-m%C3%A1s-de-8kilos-en-cabina-del-avi%C3%B3n Italy. Allow me to travel with my pet of more than 8 kilos in the plane cabin

Monday, January 30, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 30


https://koreandogs.org/gangjin/ Updated. Gangjin, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!
https://www.greenpeace.org/brasil/apoie/proteja-os-oceanos/ Only a Global Oceans Treaty can guarantee climate balance and marine biodiversity!
https://georgiastrait.org/protect-howesound/ Woodfibre LNG Project, a fracked gas terminal in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound, will not only increase fracking and climate pollution in the area around Squamish and across BC, but now threatens to expose some marine mammals to dangerous amounts of underwater noise
https://www.dierenrecht.nl/zwerfkatten Reminder. The Netherlands. Friesland, stop shooting cats!
Acquitted of abuse but guilty of noise pollution, It's been almost two years since my 8 dogs are locked behind 4 walls at the SPA!
https://petities.nl/petitions/behoud-de-hertenkampen?locale=nl The Netherlands. Preserve the deer parks. Minister Adema has decided that tame deer parks may no longer exist in 2024. He determines which animals may be kept recreationally on an unfounded basis. To confirm
https://tinyurl.com/pj5ew6zb Russia. Punish this dog torturer under the law! Terrible footage of the killing of dogs on the territory of the Goose Farm in the village of Alferovo. He cut live dogs with a knife and called it hunting,feeding the corpses of the dogs to the pigs
https://tinyurl.com/2s3b2fd7 Tambov Otlov city administration, stop catching and killing animals, no more sponsoring and encouraging the mass killing of homeless animals!
https://tinyurl.com/2p9hhcmh The head of the Kirov urban district of the Stavropol Territory, together with local deputies, was dismissed and put on trial. At the legislative level, they propose to empower law enforcement agencies to simply shoot and kill animals in yards!
https://tinyurl.com/57x83v9c Russia. Pavlovsky Posad, village of Evseevo, a brutal massacre of cared for dogs living near the building of Ecopark LLC, investigate and prosecute the killers!
https://tinyurl.com/yf2wuhrp Russia. Justice for the friendly well-cared for dog just shot in Surgut district, Pok, get the killer prosecuted!
https://tinyurl.com/3up6fhmc Russia. Village of Borisovka, Ussuriysk city district. Why should zoo animals like Leo the lion, suffer from insane visitors? If the zoo is closed, many of its inhabitants will be on the verge of starvation, because the funds for their provision come from visitors!
https://www.change.org/p/prohiban-acuerdos-de-la-policia-con-los-zoosanitarios-o-perreras  Request that the municipalities designate budgets for the rescue organizations, avoid calls to the police, the found or wounded animals will be euthanized
https://www.change.org/p/dimisi%C3%B3n-de-los-responsables-de-la-perrera-ilegal-en-hoyo-de-manzanares  Demanding the resignation of those responsible for the illegal kennel with attacking dogs in Hoyo de Manzanares
https://www.change.org/p/develeri-kurtar Ban camel wrestling in Turkey!
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-la-ganader%C3%ADa-ovina-ay%C3%BAdanos-a-parar-la-matanza-masiva-de-ovejas-en-cuenca  Spain. Help us stop the mass slaughter of sheep in Cuenca because of smallpox disease
https://www.change.org/p/implementaci%C3%B3n-de-leyes-para-las-mascotas-en-m%C3%A9xico  For laws in Mexico that regulate the care and possession of dogs with responsibility and awareness
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-el-cerro-mingote Take necessary measures so that the board of Caja Rural Foundation of Mota carry out the necessary actions to save Cerro Mingote, pine forest etc. recreation
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/944/640/957/ Tell the Canadian government to cancel Trans Mountain

https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 28


https://koreandogs.org/hwasun/ Updated. Hwasun, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!
https://secure.peta.nl/page/117681/action/1 Ask Minister Piet Adema, Netherlands, to take immediate action to end cruel animal testing
https://act.aldf.org/page/48190/data/1?ea.tracking.id=GE23160NN0 Tell your State Attorney General that animal cruelty must not be tolerated!
https://greenpeace.at/petitionen/gran-chaco/ Reminder. The last 20 jaguars in Argentina's Gran Chaco are fighting for survival! Brutal deforestation for cattle pastures
https://takeaction.league.org.uk/page/120001/action/1?ea.url.id=6250334 UK-info. Members of the Senedd who represent you will be asked to vote on the general principles of the Bill, including the snaring ban!
https://signforworld.org/petitions/help-donkeys-china Ban the slaughter and export of donkeys to China! To confirm
https://secure.alaskawild.org/a/liberty  Ask Liberty's new CEO, Tim Sweeney to reject Arctic drilling
https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/H-hApqy93kujLjmd3cg0kw2 Save These Belugas From More Drilling, Reject Hilcorp's Bid for Lease Sale 258
https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/National For major progress on saving nature and fighting climate change, there’s no time to lose
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/pfbid02BVwHThNUDudUnjwtncFZaS4dbVzD9RDNAuPkR1PRHKfvxiTc2SwQCLk4zqFL7mNvl Call to action, send emails, Enzo is dead thanks to the Lodi Police Department in Lodi CA and their lack of empathy for this poor dog!
https://tinyurl.com/mr3jrxu2 Russia. Stop the dog genocide in Serov! Let them build shelters with the funds for killing and stop this lawlessness, dumping them in remote forests!
https://www.change.org/p/declaraci%C3%B3n-del-d%C3%ADa-nacional-de-los-derechos-animales-asambleaecuador-vsaquicelae  Ecuador. Demanding the National Animal Rights Day Statement from the National Assembly
https://www.change.org/p/pour-une-liste-aux-%C3%A9lections-europ%C3%A9ennes-d%C3%A9fendant-la-s%C3%A9curit%C3%A9-des-ruraux-face-%C3%A0-la-chasse  For a list in the European elections defending the safety of rural people in the face of hunting
https://www.change.org/p/non-aux-animaux-chez-mattytb78-et-laulaute47 No more animals at Mattytb78 and laulaute47 where they die
https://www.change.org/p/necesitamos-tu-apoyo-para-concientizar-al-continente-americano-y-al-mundo-de-la-importancia-de-la-protecci%C3%B3n-de-la-amazonia The disappearance of unique habitats and the animal species that inhabit it are at stake. The indigenous communities will lose their home. And we will all lose the battle against climate change (from 2 years ago...)
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-el-espacio-verde-del-rio-sauce-grande-de-saldungaray  Save the green space of the Sauce Grande de Saldungaray River

https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwPQ4kkhWaA  PACMA, Spain: We denounce the hunting and killing of 156 animals, 78 deer, 35 mouflons, 10 fallow deer and 33 wild boars on Jan. 2 in the Jabardillo spot, on the Las Monteras farm (Villanueva del Rey, Córdoba), in public ownership and responsibility of the Junta de Andalucía under the organization of the company "Cinegética Cordobesa"! 
https://wildernesswatch.salsalabs.org/bw-20-yr-mineral-withdrawal New mining ban protects the Boundary Waters

Friday, January 27, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 27


https://action.animaljustice.ca/page/121068/action/1 Reminder. Tell Canada to Ban Cosmetic Animal Testing Now
https://support.peta.org/page/45000/action/1  Reminder. Gentle Goats Cut Up for Mohair and Cashmere—Tell H&M to Stop Supporting This Abuse
https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/National?actionId=AR0379195  Grizzly Bears in the Northern Rockies Need Your Help!
https://p2a.co/pSIoia7 Act now to defend Montana grizzly bears
https://only.one/act/high-seas Secure a strong High Seas Treaty. For a new United Nations Treaty that would ensure the meaningful protection of ocean life a key step towards moving the planet closer to the goal of protecting at least 30 percent of the ocean by 2030
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/tiktokeur-tortionnaire-animaux-soit-sanctionne-severement/199618  For the TikTokeur who tortures animals to be severely punished! To validate
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-exemplaire-pantoufle-bichon-egorge-septuagenaire/199762  For exemplary justice concerning the act of barbarism: the slaughter of the little bichon "Pantoufle" the very evening of its adoption!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/stop-aux-erreurs-veterinaires-sanctionnees-depens/199783 Stop unsanctioned veterinary errors at the expense of animal lives!
https://p2a.co/jQNcxKr Washington-info. Take action now to protect Washington wildlife
Catalonia. The Government of the Generalitat is supporting killing without any type of control
https://tinyurl.com/y8vyh4pj Russia. Shelter "Boomerang of Good". The issue of state support for shelters of non-profit organizations: there is none, shelters survive only thanks to the support of caring citizens, but debts are growing!
https://www.change.org/p/hayvan-d%C3%BC%C5%9Fman%C4%B1-aytu%C4%9F-koyuncu-ceza-als%C4%B1n-77bb022c-e13f-4dd5-b61c-74ae3eb275d8  Turkey. Istanbul. Punish Aytuğ Koyuncu now, since 2016 poisoning and kicking cats and other animals, threatening neighbors with knives and exhibiting inappropriate behavior!
https://www.change.org/p/bar%C4%B1naklarda-bor%C3%A7-kar%C5%9F%C4%B1l%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1-tutulan-hayvanlar-sahiplendirilsin  Turkey. Let dogs be adopted instead of putting them in these terrible dog pounds, if the "owners" are in debt
https://www.change.org/p/boycottons-sail-canac-et-latulippe-qui-vendent-des-pi%C3%A8ges Boycott SAIL, Latulippe and Canac who sell traps! Stop trapping in Quebec! 
https://www.change.org/p/giustizia-per-juan-carrito Italy. Justice for bear Juan Carrito
https://www.change.org/p/contre-la-maltraitance Introduce the obligation,before any purchase or adoption, of a training of at least one day with a dog professional in order to have a minimum of information on the commitment to a dog
https://www.change.org/p/pronto-soccorso-veterinario Italy. For a veterinarian emergency room in Foggia (else we have to travel 80 km)
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/675/234/848/ A New European Law Will Keep the World's Forests From Being Demolished. The US Must Take Similar Action!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/473/635/766/  Tesco the UK grocery giant is using discarded plastic from the world's beaches to package its fish. Let's encourage them!

https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)
https://defendtheatlantaforest.org/solidarity/ On January 18, in the course of their latest militarized raid on the forest, police in Atlanta shot and killed a person. This is only the most recent of a series of violent police retaliations against the movement

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 26

 Right-click on a link to open it in a new tab

https://koreandogs.org/haenam/  Updated. Haenam, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!
https://environmental-action.webaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=53285  FWS: Let wild wolves roam free!
https://secured.humanesociety.org/page/112078/action/1 Please finalize the Alaska hunting and trapping in national preserves rule
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/119550/action/1 Help This Animal Welfare Bill Become Law!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/113563/action/1 Tourists, Beware: Horses Abused in Egypt While Officials Do Nothing
https://www.peta.org.uk/features/bunnies-easter/  Rabbits Are Used for Horrific LD50 Toxicity Tests
https://headlines.peta.org/ohsu-gets-voles-drunk/  OHSU Gets Voles Drunk, Covers Up Videos, and Gets Caught by PETA 
https://igualdadanimal.org/noticia/2023/01/24/carta-al-ministro-planas-pidiendo-que-no-apoye-la-exportacion-de-animales-vivos/  Animal Equality campaign demanding that the Spanish Government prohibit the export of live animals to countries outside the European Union
https://vgt.at/presse/news/2023/news20230125mn_2.php To sign petitions, scroll down please
https://actions.sumofus.org/a/mondelez-be-a-hero/ Oreo maker Mondelēz claims it’s “made snacking right” using only sustainable palm oil. But this is just a marketing smokescreen
https://www.change.org/p/no-corrida-de-toros Protest! The Sanlucar La Mayor City Council did it again... this Febr. 18th a bullfight will take place, where 6 innocent abused animals will be tortured and loose their lives
https://www.change.org/p/die-bundesregierung-gegen-illegalen-welpenhandel Germany. The illegal puppy trade is booming like never before, bred under the most inhumane conditions in Eastern European breeding stations
https://www.change.org/p/cierren-a-san-pedro-de-calalao Deep concern about the state in which three bears live in the San Pedro de Colalao reserve, in Tucumán
https://www.change.org/p/juan-carrito-e-l-indifferenza-tutta-italiana Italy and its indifference. Bear Juan Carrito, symbol of his region and of the PNALM, was run over and killed. Building structures is necessary for the protection of all animals and to preserve endangered species, but also for the safety of people
https://www.change.org/p/corridoi-faunistici-anche-in-italia Create Wildlife corridors in Italy too!
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-laguna-y-glaciar-sierra-nevada Save the Lagoon and Sierra Nevada Glacier from the tourists!

https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)
https://www.wilderness.org/?emci=8ac37060-569b-ed11-994c-00224832eb73 Tongass National Forest's roadless protections restored

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 25


https://www.l214.com/stop-cruaute/cochon-de-bretagne France. In this Côtes-d'Armor pig farm supplying Le Cochon de Bretagne, the animals are neither "well-born" nor "well-raised", contrary to what the brand's slogan states!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/stop-exploitation-animaux-sauvages-cirque-franco/199582 Stop the exploitation of wild animals by this Franco-Belgian circus. To validate
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-neko-soutenons-plainte-30-millions/199621 Justice for Neko, escaped, run over by a train: Let's support the complaint of 30 million friends against the SNCF!
https://greatlakes.p2a.co/7yJcGhm   US-info. Tell Congress: Protect the Great Lakes & Clean Water
https://tinyurl.com/mvnzcucp Russia. The Ministry of Nature has developed a monstrous bill that destroys the previously laid foundations for activities with animals without owners and prohibits citizens from rescuing animals from the street!
https://tinyurl.com/ypmfavrv Russia. Initiate a criminal case on the fact of cruelty to animals, Ryzhik, Yaroslavl
https://tinyurl.com/2t3x9khx Private zoo "Chudesny", Borisovka, Ussuriysk city district, allegedly the lion Aristo attacked one of the drunk visitors to the zoo who was completely to blame for everything that happened; do not kill the lion, do not close the zoo, animals will starve
https://www.change.org/p/chiediamo-chiarezza-per-la-morte-dell-orso-juan-carrito Italy. Clarify the events that led to bear Juan Carlito's death, and order that the regional fauna be protected by competent and attentive personnel!
https://www.change.org/p/izmir-atat%C3%BCrk-e%C4%9Fitim-ve-ara%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rma-hastanesi-kedileri-toplay%C4%B1p-bilinmeze-atmas%C4%B1n The cats that have been living in the vicinity of İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital for years, and occasionally entered the buildings but did not harm anyone, were removed, and their fate is unknown!
https://www.change.org/p/perros-puerto-canc%C3%BAn  Restore the aid program in the condominium in Puerto Cancun to safeguard the street dogs living here!
https://tinyurl.com/2k3ndmdf Make chaining dogs illegal in Russia
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-el-canguro-del-parque-del-oeste-de-m%C3%A1laga  Let's save the kangaroo in the park in the west of Malaga
https://www.change.org/p/revis%C3%A3o-do-projeto-de-revitaliza%C3%A7%C3%A3o-da-orla-barranca-de-porto-rico Facing a great threat to the greatest historical and cultural heritage of our city, the Barranca do Rio; review this project

https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 24


https://koreandogs.org/yeongam/ Yeongam, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!

https://awionline.org/action-center#/429 Urgent: Protect Wild Horses in Theodore Roosevelt National Park.  Submit a comment: 
https://secure.everyaction.com/uPCRult4YUaFYzVPO7liHA2 NPS Targets North Dakota’s Only Wild Horse Herd, Halt this Removal!
https://secure.everyaction.com/netDcR4gLU-NYJ65XaGu7g2 Tell the BLM: Don’t Round Up the McCullough Peaks Wild Horses! 
https://greenpeace.at/petitionen/gran-chaco/  Save the last 20 jaguars left in Argentina's Gran Chaco, from brutal deforestation for cattle pastures! 
https://georgiastrait.org/protect-howesound/ Canada-Zip. Help us Stop Woodfibre LNG from increased fracking in the area around Squamish and across BC, exposing some marine mammals to dangerous amounts of underwater noise
--Tell Chris Hipkins you want to see the Minister for Animals separated entirely from Primary Production. You can reach him at c.hipkins@ministers.govt.nz !
https://www.dierenrecht.nl/drafsport-onsportief Against pain and coercion in equestrian sports
https://act.wilderness.org/a/message-stop-mountain-valley-pipeline-2 Tell the Forest Service to Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline
https://act.ran.org/page/48240/action/1 Procter & Gamble are partnered with one of the most destructive companies in the world: Royal Golden Eagle, responsible for community land theft and massive deforestation
https://tinyurl.com/mv7jmx86 Russia, prosecute animal torturers!
https://www.change.org/p/realizzate-ponti-ecologici-sulle-strade Italy. Build ecological bridges on the roads for wildlife
https://www.change.org/p/si-a-la-vida-no-a-la-mina Against the open-pit exploration of coal by the Colcco mining company,  San Vicente de Chucuri is characterized by its richness in water tributaries, harvesting valuable fruits and cocoa
https://mygivingcircle.org/ Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)

Monday, January 23, 2023

Petitions and More, Jan. 23


https://koreandogs.org/incheon-ganghwa-gun/ Incheon Ganghwa County, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants!
https://anima.dk/landbrugsdyr/luk-blodfarmene-stop-overgreb-p%C3%A5-gravide-heste#.Y8aun3bMJaQ Close the blood farms - stop abuse of pregnant horses in South America! Name, email
https://secure.peta.org.au/page/120187/petition/1 Stop the Moruya Rodeo’s Licence to Harm Animals
https://investigations.peta.org/austin-aquarium/#action Take Action for Animals at Austin Aquarium
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/aux-martyres-eprouvettes/199453  Millions of dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, monkeys and others are sacrificed each year in the hell of the laboratories.  There are more reliable methods, "scientists", why do you refuse to use them?
https://action.foe.org/page/48269/action/1 Help Stop the destruction of the world’s most biodiverse savanna, the Cerrado savanna: World Bank stop funding destructive industrial animal agriculture!

https://tinyurl.com/mvw5t95p Russia. Horses and foals dying. Stop the severe abuse and neglect of these horses "owned" by drunks Natalya Luzina and her husband, Sergei Alikin!
https://www.change.org/p/chiediamo-che-la-colonia-felina-dei-tiri-di-piossasco-rimanga-nel-suo-sito-attuale Italy. Please leave the Cat Colony "dei Tiri"in Piossasco in its current site!
https://www.change.org/p/salviamo-i-daini-del-parco-dell-oglio Italy. Lets save the fallow deer in the Oglio park
https://www.change.org/p/tunceli-dersim-de-yasal-avc%C4%B1l%C4%B1k-faliyetleri-durdurulmal%C4%B1d%C4%B1r Turkey. Legal Hunting Activities Should Be Stopped in Tunceli/Dersim
https://www.change.org/p/acabemos-con-el-maltrato-animal-ejercido-por-el-ayuntamiento-de-toledo-sobre-un-grupo-de-g The Toledo City Council made a commitment to an old woman 10 years ago to take care of her two cats, now there are about 30 cats living under degraded circumstances
https://tinyurl.com/2p96n557 Don't misunderstand 'Sea World' - Stop the killer whale show for entertainment
https://www.change.org/p/prohibir-la-doma-en-pueblo-mu%C3%B1oz Ban dressage /the painful jineteada with horses in Pueblo Muñoz
https://www.change.org/p/chat-tu%C3%A9-par-la-sncf-justice-pour-mela%C3%AFna-et-georgia Cat killed, run over by the SNCF train: Justice for Melaïna and Georgia
https://www.change.org/p/declarar-reserva-natural-al-r%C3%ADo-san-guillermo-c%C3%B3rdoba Declare the San Guillermo River surrounding to be a Nature Reserve in Córdoba, protect it from real estate, tourists, mining
https://www.change.org/p/s-o-s-malpa%C3%ADs-de-g%C3%BC%C3%ADmar Canary Islands. S​.​O​.​S Malpaís de Güímar:  protect this valuable ecosystem!