Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Petitions and More, January 24

https://crueltyfree.e-activist.com/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1998&ea.campaign.id=61859  End the horrifying use of dogs for surgery practice in Japan
https://environmental-action.webaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=19786 Cougars in the Santa Monica Mountains are at risk of extinction because crossing US-101 is too dangerous. No wildlife deserves to be trapped behind an eight-lane highway, and building a wildlife corridor over US-101 will help to protect them
https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/verbot-der-sinnlosen-fuchsjagd-nie-mehr-fuchswochen-im-kreis-giessen Germany, ban the senseless fox hunt!  Never more "fox weeks" in the district of Giessen! To confirm
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/imposer-loi-arret-massacre-levriers-espagne/27476 Create a law to stop the massacre of greyhounds in Spain, to confirm
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/aliexpress-honte-fourrure-raton-laveur-renard/27462  AliExpress, a site for raccoon fur, fox, mink fur, shame on you
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/stop-separation-veau-mere-afin-consommer/27530 Stop the separation of cows and calves in order to consume their milk
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/bessan-aux-fiestas-camperas/27521 Bessan, stop these camperas fiestas, mini bullfights held without publicity and sometimes in a semi-clandestine manner
https://www.change.org/p/facebook-die-tierqu%C3%A4lerseiten-der-trapperin-dana-humphries-muss-aus-facebook-verschwinden  The animal torture of sadistic trapper Dana Humphries must disappear from Facebook
https://www.change.org/p/perrera-de-cordoba-salvar-galgos-asociaci%C3%B3n-galgos-del-sur Spain. Cordoba. Save the Greyhounds from being maltreated and killed in the dogpound, managed by Sadeco, a garbage company in Córdoba
http://bit.ly/2jhKpN3 Russia. Against the electronic auction of licensing to catch stray animals,  performers do not fulfill the conditions of capture, violate the law on catching, no sterilizations, no castrations, no treatments
https://www.change.org/p/poder-judicial-de-la-naci%C3%B3n-diputados-y-senadores-endurecer-las-penas-en-la-ley-nacional-penal-14-346  Argentina. Demanding to apply the law, for animal torture and murder give at least 4 years inprisonment and high fines
https://www.change.org/p/intendente-santiago-maggiotti-liberaci%C3%B3n-inmediata-de-los-perros-encerrados-en-los-caniles-jaulas-de-navarro-bs-as Argentina. Immediate relocation of dogs locked up in cages in Navarro's (Bs As) dogpound; no care, no de-sexing, animals die or eat each other
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-sevilla-acceso-a-los-albergues-del-ayuntamiento-con-mascotas Spain. Seville. We ask that in the hostels of Seville the access for people with animals is allowed
https://www.change.org/p/dia-deja-de-utilizar-aceite-de-palma-en-tus-productos Spain. DIA group: stop using palm oil in your products
https://www.change.org/p/gobierno-y-municipios-de-buenos-aires-subsidios-para-voluntarios-de-transito-y-atencion-de-animales-abandonados  Argentina. Buenos Aires. Subsidies for volunteers who relocate and care for abandoned animals
https://www.change.org/p/asantino-tohmail-org-qualified-vs-non-qualified-animal-behaviorist Hempstead. The role of the animal behaviorist is probably the most important job in a dogpound 
https://www.change.org/p/le-choc-des-images-le-poids-des-coups-sur-les-chiens  France. Avoid these excesses in animal 'training'
             =========   News and more   ========
http://koreandogs.org/newsletter-january-21-2017/   The sister campaign is in the news again! Your comments requested by the City of Davis, about their Sister City relationship with Sangju S. Korea


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