Saturday, May 21, 2016

Yulin China web contact comment form, Chinese messages
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   关于不健康的玉林狗肉节的消息在世界网络上迅速传开. 对于这个狗肉节中的残酷与腐败, 每个月都有成千上万的人表示愤怒.人们也对它带来健康危害表示不安.

      除了科学报告说上的寄生虫和毒素通过吃肉食动物肉的方式进入人体, 更加真正让人担心的是病毒和疾病。

      例如埃博拉,禽流感,霍乱,旋毛虫病和犬瘟热而主要关注的是狂犬病。有越来越多的照片做证据显示你们没有采取足够的措施防止玉林从夏至期间在不知道来源或原产地的情况下食用狗和猫. 这证明了你工作的疏忽。
此外, 动物被屠宰或等待被宰杀时经历的紧张,恐惧和痛苦造成吃了这些动物肉的人得多种疾病的结果.  其中最明显的有:心脏问题,阳痿和全身疲劳。这些不利的影响与消费狗肉有最直接的关联。屠宰过程中动物的恐惧导致急剧减少的生命力和性能力. 具有讽刺性的是这也是为什么狗被吃的根源。所以,虚假的营销告诉市民狗肉可以治愈的疾病也正是吃狗肉所造成的疾病!

      隔离检查显然是不足也是无效的。防止可以预防的疾病的突发, 食品安全和卫生是最重要的。熟食品没有冷藏,却被放在离活狗很近的地方. 有些狗被毒镖毒死并被捕获. 毒药于是进入食物链。这样的例子不胜枚举..................。刚接种狂犬病疫苗的狗肉被吃了对人体健康危害长远.

      在中国,狂犬病病例数目在不断增加,尤其是在西南和南部人口稠密的地区。大多数病例都与狗咬伤有关, 特别是在头部和颈部。近年来,每年有多于2400人死于狂犬病的感染,主要是在广西壮族自治区。自2005年11月以来,中国已总共报告了45个H5N1禽流感(“禽流感”)的病例,其中有28例死亡。自2004年1月以来,全中国很多地方的家禽养殖场发现了禽流感.包括广西省的家禽养殖场。

      如果虐待动物与你无关, 可是保护消费者的利益肯定是你的职责也是你的利益。必须健全有效的检查和的检疫保护消费者. 否则公共卫生仍然存在着高风险。我急切地劝你请把猫狗肉从玉 林狗肉节的菜单上拿掉.

First and last paragraph Google translation:

Yulin news about unhealthy dog ​​festival spread rapidly on the world network. For this dog section cruelty and corruption, every month thousands of people angry. It also expressed concern that it caused health hazards ---   If you have nothing to do with cruelty to animals, but to protect the interests of consumers must be your responsibility it is to your benefit. We must be sound and effective inspection and quarantine to protect consumers. Otherwise, there are still high public health risk. I am eager to advise you to please remove the cat dog from the dog section of Yulin menu.
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大原因 为什么全球呼吁喊停这一大规模杀狗行径
中国现今狂犬病发病人数排行世界第二位。根据一份最新报告,2002-2006 年玉林报道的狂犬病案例有 338 起。所有感染狂犬病的人全部死亡。被食用的狗,因在恶劣环境下运输数日到达玉林,身体状况极差,易感染各种疫病。政府必须告知公众这是危害健康的,以防类似 SARS 的疫情爆发。
 最后,广西的自然美景吸引了数以万计的国内外旅客。因玉林大规模聚众消费狗肉被全球越来越多人知道,整个自治区也因此蒙羞。在 2014 年,全球超过 10 万人呼吁喊停玉林大规模狗肉消费行为。


Translation: The Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China Must End
This celebration of cruelty and slaughter has no place in the 21st century.
Here are 5 reasons that the world is calling for an end to this mass dog slaughter 5
1. The Yulin Dog Meat Festival exposes the pubic to serious health and food safety issues.
Since China does not have dog farms there are no national or local standards to ensure the safety of dog meat.
Dogs sold on the market are often sick, poisoned and dying.
China currently has the second largest number of rabies cases in the world. According to a news report 338 rabies cases were reported in Yulin between 2002 and 2006. All people infected with rabies died. Meat dogs, who are transported to Yulin for days in unsanitary conditions, arrive in very poor health and are vulnerable to multiple illnesses. The Government must address this public health hazard to help prevent the onset of a SARS-like disease and massive deaths.
2. The dog meat trade undermines social stability, aggravates existing social conflicts and sabotages the central government’s efforts to build a harmonious society. A significant number of the dogs sold on the market are stolen pets or valued watchdogs. This violates the rights of the dog owners and challenges the authority of law enforcement agencies. If dog theft continues, violent confrontations between dog owners and the dog meat industry will intensify.
3. The mass slaughter of dogs exposes young people to violence and cruelty. During the summer solstice, Yulin is becomes a slaughterhouse where some dogs are even killed publicly. Studies have long shown that exposure to violence can desensitize youth and make them indifferent to the feelings of others. The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government and its official Women Federation are obligated to stand up and to protect the young people.
4. Contrary to what the traders would have us believe, eating dog is not a "folk custom". It is a commercial activity benefiting a few people. Even if the dog meat consumption was a regional tradition, China should not condone any practice that runs counter to human progress. Foot-binding, opium-smoking and arranged marriage – so-called Chinese traditional practices – were all brought to an end by the Chinese people.
The government must work to eliminate outdated practices that damage the reputation of mainstream Chinese culture.
5. Finally, Guangxi’s natural beauty attracts millions of domestic and international tourists. But as more people around the world learn of Yulin's mass dog meat consumption the region, as a whole, is disgraced. In 2014, more than 100,000 people around the world called for shutting down the city's mass dog meat consumption.
We appeal to you to act in the interest of public health, child welfare and the reputation of Guangxi and China and call for an end to Yulin's mass consumption of dog meat.


从我看到的研究及报告说明,玉林狗肉节根本是基于腐败. 而当地政府不闻不问,让它随意发生。此外,由于缺乏旨在保护猫狗不受这种虐待的反动物虐待法, 玉林狗肉节在省内外的猫狗身上尽情谋取暴力。

当地人宣讲,说吃猫狗肉是他们的文化和传统. 但是应该有约束和限制。为什么要从家庭里偷宠物,在年幼的孩子面前公开虐待和残忍屠杀? 这种不人道的杀害和屠杀无辜的宠物是不利于中国的社会和道德发展的。而且盗贼从家庭里偷猫狗而并不受到惩罚,正义从何而来。

据悉,这个“节” 是为了刺激地方经济 ,与传统或健康益处无关。 这个所谓的'夏至荔枝狗肉节'只是一些个别企业和个人推出的. 而事实上这个节日不存在。 ” (纽约时报的文章



Translation:  In recent years, in China, especially in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, there have been a tug of war between the protection of war-like battle animal rights activists and those who support the annual Yulin dog section. The celebration of the summer solstice June 21 event, the reporter will have 4,000 cats and a million dogs suffer torture and cruel killing. Locals cats and dogs up meat on the menu for people to choose.

From what I see description of studies and reports, Yulin dog section is based on the fundamental corruption while local government indifferent, let it freely happen. Furthermore, the lack is designed to protect dogs and cats from this anti-animal cruelty law abuse, Yulin dog festival in cats and dogs outside the province who seek to enjoy violence.

Locals proclaim that eat cats dog meat is their culture and traditions, but there should be restrictions and limitations. Why steal from family pets in front of young children disclosed abuse and cruel slaughter? Such inhuman killings and massacres of innocent pets are not conducive to China's social and moral development. And thieves stole from the family dogs and cats and is not punished, justice comes from.

It is reported that this "festival" is to stimulate the local economy, nothing to do with tradition or health benefits. This so-called 'summer solstice festival litchi dog' are just some of the individual companies and individuals introduced. In fact this festival does not exist. "(New York Times article
From the top of the second paragraph) Website:

Finally, many tourists are afraid to come to China, because they read the reports of Yulin dog section are shocked and afraid. Out of fear, these tourists miss seeing the beautiful city of China and its glory, it will not experience its rich ancestry and customs.


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