Friday, December 16, 2016

Petitions and More, December 16 Tell the CFIA: New transport rules still fail animals (other countries too) The Brazilian government is trying to legalise cruel animal practices including 'Vaquejada' The Netherlands. Poor regulation has ensured that online commerce sites have become a haven for fraud and for animal cruelty. eBay, take the lead in protecting humans and animals;jsessionid=F595428078EA05CD8863407AC97BD152.app250b?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=1050  Oppose the Skutumpah Terrace vegetation removal project for 19,000 acres of public land within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument  Ingresa, login first. Peticiones. Choose your language/Espagnol. After signing, go back to 'Petitions', scroll down for the other Petitions  Senate: Block Ryan Zinke from becoming Secretary of the Interior France. Cancel the new decree nr. 2016-1661 for farm factories; legalizing intensive farming of cattle, up to 800 calves for fattening and up to 400 dairy cows, without any environmental impact study or a public inquiry Russia. Volgograd. Protest against spending a quarter of a million in the capture and destruction of stray dogs in the north of the city,  Putin is not the authority here, you are! Russia. Yakutsk. Stop the confinement of stray animals in Ochichenko House 57 and start a fraud investigation; no water, no food, kept in the cold, destroyed in very inhumane ways! South Africa, stop the breeding of lions for canned hunting Argentina. No more blood traction for working horses in the municipality of Tigre! Substitute the horses, create other jobs for the owners and secure the destiny of the animals by creating sanctuaries for rescued horses Italy. Abolish hunting law 157/1992 and establish tougher penalties for those who mistreat, torture, abandon or kill animals under Art. 544 bis, 544 ter, 544 quater, 544 d, 544 e of the criminal Code, investigate, try and convict Facebook, block and remove people and communities that are inciting to commit animal cruelty or find excuses for it! It’s against the law. They do not comply with the Community Standards on Facebook, nor with the Internet Legal Framework  Columbia. Bogota. Demanding that drivers pay for what they did, deliberately killing dogs Wrong target. Protest. Luc Alphand, wildlife killer, on public TV France 4, hired to comment on skiing! Include the excluded animals in the EU Treaties - without delay! Urge The Maine Legislature To Ban Backyard Slaughter To Protect People And Animals
             ========   News and more    ========  Republican member of the Electoral College from Texas, who has courageously said that he cannot vote for Donald Trump Four Paws campaigns


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