Thursday, March 5, 2015

Petitions and More, March 5  EU Commission, take action to stop the export of live animals from the EU to non-EU countries! Comments on the Onaqui Mountain Herd Management Area Fertility Control Plan! ZIP=5 digits Sarajevo, Bosnia Hercegovina, Stop the horrific mass killing of dogs prior to the Pope’s visit on June 6 2015! Confirm please (spam) Urgent!! New Mexico info, oppose House Bill 586, seeks to reduce keystone carnivore species to "varmints" !  New Mexico info,  Oppose Senate Bill 221 !;jsessionid=EA6BCC28658C6652BD829687831471B8.app367b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=237 Ask Your Representative to End Cosmetics Testing on Animals. More action needed, US-info Serbia, stop the barbaric killing and starving of dogs in the public dogpounds in Ruma, and other cities! Confirm via the link please (spam). First, last name, town, –, email Target?! Graphic. Investigate this filthy crime please! Romania, again, (stray) dogs are NOT to blame; falsely accused, put in scene as every normal person can see! Russia, provide comfortable, correct living conditions for marine animals at this Oceanarium, good governance first! Remove Kevin Spreekmeester, Chief Marketing Officer for Canada Goose as a speaker at Dx3 conference! Advertising the cruel trapping and killing of animals, advising others on ethics?!
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