Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Petitions and More, August 27


https://act.whitecoatwaste.org/page/72149/action/1 The Protecting Dogs Subjected to Experiments Act (H.R. 574) will prohibit NIH white coats from experimenting on dogs
https://act.animaljusticeproject.com/page/142493/action/1?ea.url.id=7371711  Rt Hon Keir Starmer, Prime Minister, End the public funding of slaughterhouses in the UK!
https://www.peta.org/action/action-alerts/colorado-apartment-complex-squirrels/  Urgent. Tell Colorado Apartment Complex to End Squirrel Slaughter Now!
https://www.peta.de/aktiv/angorawolle-medima-climacare/  Help the medical brands Medima and ClimaCare ban wool products
https://greenpeace.at/petitionen/urwaelder-norden  Europe's primeval forests being cut down for cardboard boxes? Stop Amazon, HelloFresh & Co! 
https://www.acf.org.au/email-coles-woolworths-deforestation  Coles and Woolworths: Stop deforestation in your supply chains!
https://www.acf.org.au/epa-laws  Save our big backyard. Stop bulldozing the bush: Strong EPA now!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/intermarche-brienne-chateau-10-stop-aux/233245  Intermarché Brienne-Le-Château (10): stop the glue traps
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/incitation-mauvais-traitement-animal-modification-publicite/233244 Burger King has decided to change its logo, in an advertisement we see that a mug can be used as a fish bowl
https://p2a.co/4ZmqxKM  Tell the U.S. Forest Service to stop logging old-growth forests!
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/videos/1231457537854339 Tweets, horrifying cruelty, Turkeys dog massacre law! 
https://www.change.org/p/brasil-criar-uma-lei-penal-rigorosa-p-quem-produz-comercializa-v%C3%ADdeos-de-tortura-animal  Brazil, create a strict criminal law for those who produce/ market animal torture video's!
https://www.change.org/p/exijamos-el-juicio-a-los-agresores-de-la-burrita-olivia-en-cadereyta-quer%C3%A9taro Mexico. Let's demand that the aggressors of Olivia the donkey in Cadereyta, Querétaro, be brought to trial for burning it with gasoline!
https://www.change.org/p/ferma-la-reclusione-dei-randagi-nei-canili-lager  Abruzzo region, province of L'Aquila, Italy. Stop the confinement of strays in dog pounds. Trying to recruit volunteers and above all to educate and sensitize the locals to have a more civil and ethical behavior towards animals. Our other goal is to be able to obtain from the municipality a small plot of land for a shelter
https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-multi-docks-in-stevenson-creek  It would have a significant impact on the local ecosystem and be devastating for dolphins, mangroves and particularly for our threatened manatee population!
https://www.change.org/p/apoio-vererinario-gratuito-com-baracho-navas-vereador-n-15111  Brazil. Support the proposal of the candidate for councilor Baracho Navas no. 15111, for the installation of a free veterinary clinic in Itapetininga SP, for the low-income population and futures of rescued animals
https://www.change.org/p/sauvez-les-chameaux-d-europe  Save the camels of Europe! The Netherlands wants to give them the status of wild animals which means a condemnation!
https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-move-of-the-act-rspca-to-piallago The proposed location is prone to frequent firearm and canon noise, flypasts of military aircraft and fighter jets
https://www.change.org/p/exige-continuar-permitiendo-el-acceso-con-perros-a-la-platja-de-sant-jordi-en-llan%C3%A7%C3%A0  Demanding to Continue Allowing Access with Dogs to Sant Jordi Beach in Llançà, Spain

 https://www.animalwebaction.com/en/collectes/18081/croquettes-sos-300-chiens-serbie-/ Please click several times a day and donate if possible 

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