Saturday, August 10, 2024

Petitions and More, August 10  Demand that Congress stops its attacks on the ESA!  It is time to intervene to ban or strictly regulate the rental of jet skis in Reunion Island during the whale watching season! To validate  France. Justice for the dog locked in a car in the sun in Armentières, found dead! Tell Retailers: Stop Selling Painted Bats, painted woolly bats are collected from the wild to be killed, while they play an important role consuming insects around fields, providing natural pest control  CKE Restaurants is profiting from cruelty. Let’s show CKE Restaurants there’s no excuse for animal abuse (eggs from caged chickens) Tweets, Ban disgusting Kaporus; Turkey, stop catching dogs to lock them up in death camps!  Poços de Caldas, Brazil. Release the docile community dogs, Tigrado and Caramelo, dewormed, neutered and vaccinated. Let them go back to the bus station. Apply the law for TNR!  Uranium exploration pollutes drinking water, groundwater Stop the Army Corps from Draining Thousands of Acres of Wetlands Canada. For the sake of our fish, other affected species, and their habitat, establish a National Fish Passage Program aimed at reconnecting our rivers and streams Please click several times a day and donate if possible  

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