Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Petitions and More, August 14 Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital are developing disturbing reputations. Stop Using Animals to Train Emergency Medicine Residents! Stop Bears in the US from Being Killed for their GalBear Bile, selling their gallbladders  Reminder. US-info. Oppose the Farm bill because it includes China's EATS (CHEATS) Act. The CHEATS Act that would undo democratically enacted, constitutionally sound state animal-welfare laws  Against the Antiforestry Law No. 31973, it goes against protecting the Peruvian Amazon and the defense of the biodiversity that sustains life on our Planet Earth  Brazil. Eng Paulo de Frontin. Requesting authorization from the City Hall to build houses for street dogs living at the busstation, protecting them against the intense cold  Find, arrest and try to the fullest extent of the law Luna's killer, she was brutally murdered in São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, Brazil  Demand an immediate end to donkey taxis in Mijas  Every year, thousands of pets in Turkey face serious health risks due to poor quality veterinary services  Let's support Maria Teresa in helping stray cats in Sicily  This Nebraska Man Let His Seven Dogs Slowly Deteriorate in His House of Horrors. Sign For Justice

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