Monday, September 21, 2020

Petitions and More, Sept. 21 A Call To Action To Shut Down the Chilsung Live Dog Meat Market! Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, cosponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade!  Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 231 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter!
------------------------------------- Reminder. Call for Moratorium on Roundups & Investigation of BLM Abuse! US-info. Protect Polar Bears from Oil and Gas Drilling Protect US-info. Polar Bear Cubs in the Arctic from Oil and Gas Drilling For a nationwide sales ban on hunting safaris in Austria! To confirm Urge Movistar+ Not to Broadcast the Slaughter of Bulls France. From an ethical point of view, shooting deer during their breeding season is intolerable, prohibit deer hunting in the national forest of Fontainebleau during this period. To confirm France. Justice for NIxya, mastiff bitch stolen for breeding on June 5, 2020 in Claira, appalling conditions locked in a garage, recovered. To confirm France. Stop the killing of nutria, instead, sterilize them France. For the compulsory declaration of birth for dogs and cats with a name and address of the owner Protest! The City Council of San Sebastián de los Ballesteros (Córdoba) has communicated on its Fb page that between Sept. 21 and 25, 2020 there will be massive captures of all the cats in its town, in order to eradicate all cats from its streets; they will later be killed ... The CNR/CER method is the only viable and ethical means for the management of colonies Costa Rica. Arrest and punish Pedro Sierra for killing cats in cold blood for his entertainment! Colombia. For continuous, massive, free sterilizations in Santa Marta; 12,000 surgeries for a four-year period is not enough! Brazil, Paraguay, City Hall of Mato Grosso do Sul. let's save the Pantanal and its wildlife, stop the (intentional) fires! Mexico. Justice for Homero Gómez González, let's not get his voice  lost in violence, let's protect our activists and our natural heritage! Municipality of Ituzaingo Province of Buenos Aires.  Justice for the killing of my dog ​​Luke by the pitbulls of a neighbor who occupies the land on Calle De los Payadores, not kept secured Russia. Silence Radio Rossii for their animal killing propaganda every week with hunters! Spain, Aragon. Demanding the resignation of Enrique Novales Allue, general director of quality and food safety of the Aragon government, for ordering the killing of the two bulls Fenix ​​and Orion when they were already given to the Gaia Sanctuary! State councils and security forces should have chip readers and a protocol for action and information in cases of dead animals For the termination of the Imagiland theme park project at La Couronne,   to be carried out by the Chinese investor Dragontoon and Vinci for a budget of 100 million euros, an economic, ecological and cultural disaster  Demand Congress Not Confirm Ruth Bader Ginsberg's Replacement Until After the Inauguration of Joe Biden Henry the lab thought he was just going for a walk with his beloved owner. Then she abandoned him in the woods

========================== Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872389 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours Free clicks for animals

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