Friday, September 25, 2020

Petitions and More, Dept. 25 Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, cosponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 231 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter!
------------------- Urgent reminder. Several key members of Congress are pushing for language to protect America's wild horses and burros - specifically, by requiring funding for PZP fertility control to humanely manage horses and a ban on cruel surgical sterilization Urge China to ban the import of rhino hunting trophies Sweden. Outdated, inefficient and unethical animal experiments need to be replaced now in the EU Urge the Danish Military to Stop Killing Pigs in Trauma Training! Endangered Species Act Attacks Keep Coming but We Can't Give Up Reject the proposed rule to exclude critical habitat under the ESA Send the CEOs of P&G, Mars, Mondelēz and the newly launched Forest Positive Coalition from the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) a clear message: End deforestation, uphold human rights, and protect our climate now! Protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from destruction before it’s too late! Billions of farmed animals suffer unimaginable cruelty in factory farms and slaughterhouses in the United States every year! Brazil. It is absolutely URGENT to establish a national policy for the rescue and care of animals affected by disasters, accidents and environmental crimes, as proposed in PL 4670/20 by deputies Célio Studart (PV-CE) and Alessandro Molon (PSB-RJ)! For free spay and neuter to return under their respective protocol, as they have already returned in many municipalities! Spain. Seville. CES program (capture, sterilize and release) for Dos Hermanas!  The city council has the responsibility to implement the CES plan, since each city council receives government money for this purpose! Feral cats are protected because they contribute ecologically to pest control Turkey. Let us entrust the shelters to animal-loving associations, and that the municipalities meet the budget!
Spain, Andalucia. Abolish bullfighting, We are tired of this bloody party being subsidized in this country with more than 600 million euros a year in public funds! Rep. of Maldives, South Asia. Set laws against animal abuse and cruelty, and take legal actions to prevent animal cruelty Russia. To force the Sochi mayor's office to help (stray) animal volunteers with sheltering, spay and neuter, and to apply the law on animal cruelty! Justice for Toby, kept at the Corralet "refuge" , located in Vinaròs , Castellon 12500: they euthanized dog Toby for alleged abandonment, while the owner spent 40 days trying to see her dog, ​​getting no information from them! Let's save the cats Galo, Olivia, Churrete and Mascota, they are part of a controlled colony in the inner courtyard of the Urban Planning Department of the capital of Jienense, Jaen Justice for Liliana dos Santos, activist of the animal cause, victim of defamation and harassment in the media and social networks For reforestation in the Michilia Biosphere Reserve, in the Municipality of Súchil, Dgo. (Wildlife) Children Are Starving in One of the Wealthiest Countries in the World, the US! Our Earth Will Not Survive Another Four Years of Trump; He’s Promised Another 100 EPA Regulation Rollbacks! Protect Human Rights and Defend Nature : Call for the Governments of Costa Rica and the Caribbean Region to Ratify the Escazú Agreement!

========================== Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872396 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours Free clicks for animals Europe Drives Destruction of US Forests in the Name of Fighting Climate Change! 2020 Humane Scorecard Preview The Humane Society Legislative Fund publishes an annual Humane Scorecard of Congress to give you a snapshot of every federal legislator's record on animal protection issues
BREAKING: The Minister has agreed with our call to pursue immunocontraceptive darting as a humane method to reduce the number of horses at Kosciuszko National Park

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