Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Petitions and More, Sept. 11

http://koreandogs.org/pocheon/ Pocheon, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets! Send an email please, post on their Fb pages, or send a pm, and retweet!
http://koreandogs.org/Pyeongtaek/ Pyeongtaek, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets! Send an email please, post on their Fb pages and retweet!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/2098992500390436/permalink/2216509931972025/ Tweets against the King Amendment; and a few against the DCMT!
https://www.facebook.com/wdalliance/posts/1888471221448082 Japanese lawmaker Ooshima Kusoo tweeted about our visit to his office to show him data about the tons of dog meat being imported into Japan and hundreds of dog meat restaurants across the country. Please like the tweet in the link below to show your support on a legal ban on the eating of dogs here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/634849086706350/permalink/908778895980033/ Urgent! Retweets, against the Muddy Creek Roundups of Wild Horses, Sept. 11!
https://www.facebook.com/chiharu.sugeno.5/posts/2323451071264689 Retweets! Japan offered to change to commercial whaling at this conference. We must prevent this! Ask the IWC member countries not to vote for IWC67, we have to protect the Whales from being killed!  Vote NO WHALING in IWC67 !
https://www.facebook.com/SeaShepherdUK/  Scroll down: please email or write polite letters voicing your support for Iceland's whale watching industry and the establishment of a national whale sanctuary in Iceland's territorial waters! postur@for.is,  postur@environment.is,  upplysingar@ferdamalastofa.is,  ======
https://support.nature.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=144 US-info. Once more. Only 180 Left: Act Now to Save the Florida Panther!
https://act.alaskawild.org/sign/tongass_roadless/?t=3 Stop new Tongass clearcuts: Preserve the Roadless Rule!
https://takeaction.oceanconservancy.org/page/29557/action/1?utm_expid=.6_A73-CFRriqlJdOYID9LA.0 ZIP=5 digits.  Opposing changes to the Endangered Species Act and supporting the critical protections it provides for our ocean’s most vulnerable animals
https://www.drove.com/action/5b83ff41ed1b950001f62056 Ban hunting in Malta! Message to send
https://action.peta2.com/page/6796/action/1 U.S. Bank Stadium Is Killing Birds
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/  Petitions, Animal Rights; all to confirm
https://www.change.org/p/prefeitura-de-navegantes-prefeitura-de-navegantes-d%C3%AA-um-lugar-para-os-animais-de-estima%C3%A7%C3%A3o-que-ficaram-sem-lar  Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil.  City Hall of Navegantes create a shelter/ area for the pets that were left behind after the evacuation of the communities New Canaan and Monte Sião in Navegantes on Thursday, by court order, don't leave them  in the rubble of houses, which are knocked over by machines! (They will be preventatively castrated...)
https://www.change.org/p/association-de-protection-des-animaux-tuer-des-chats-et-des-chiens-au-nom-de-la-musique-et-de-festival-mais-o%C3%B9-va-t-on  Chellah or Shalla, a medieval fortified Muslim necropolis located in the metro area of Rabat, Morocco. For more than 7 years, Ms. Hajar Ben https://www.facebook.com/hajar.ben.3975  has been caring for them, feeding them, sterilizing them ... Urgent need for support from associations: I just had a call ... the commune wants to exterminate the cats and dogs of Chellah because supposedly there will be a jazz festival ... these dogs and cats to whom I dedicated my life! Sign/share as much as possible please!
https://www.change.org/p/comune-di-vico-equense-progetto-e-n-p-a-oasi-protetta-i-maremmani-del-monte-faito  Region Naples, southern Italy. Approve the Project Enpa Protected Oasis .... the Maremmani of Monte Faito, allowing the implementation of a well-defined area within the territory in which the animals can live freely, monitored by volunteers of the Association, with the support of veterinarians!
https://www.change.org/p/gabmtoffoli-stf-jus-br-criminaliza%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-abandono-de-animais Brazil. Requesting the urgent inclusion on the agenda of the National Congress, the House Bill (PLC) 39/2015, already approved in the CCJ of the Senate, in order to criminalize the abandonment of animals as well
https://www.change.org/p/senadorsalum-gmail-com-acabar-com-abandono-de-c%C3%A3es-e-gatos Brazil. Santa Catarina. Deputy Roberto Salum, who took office for only four months, set a good example in creating draft Law 0267.4 / 2016, which is still being processed by the Legislative Assembly. It obliges the implantation of chips with the identification of owners in cats and dogs, who will be punished for abandonment or mistreatment
https://www.change.org/p/facebook-facebook-proh%C3%ADbe-la-compra-venta-cruza-de-perros-en-los-grupos-en-nuevo-le%C3%B3n Facebook, prohibit the purchase / sale of dogs in groups in Nuevo León, it only leads to more breeding and abuse!
https://www.change.org/p/facebook-facebook-ay%C3%BAdennos-a-gestionar-mejor-los-mensajes-y-v%C3%ADdeos-de-odio-y-maltrato-animal Facebook: help us to manage/report messages and videos of hate and animal abuse better
https://bit.ly/2MinlJt Russia.  Novorossiysk. Against the deforestation of the Tsemes grove, a nature reserve and the green lungs of Novorossiysk, a specially protected natural area along the mouth of the river Tsemes with centuries-old trees, a lot of shrubs and flowers, as well as animals and insects that are listed in the Red Book!
https://www.change.org/p/gabriel-ortega-concejal-del-atuntamiento-y-noelia-posse-alcaldesa-de-mostoles-por-una-ley-que-prohiba-fiestas-y-eventos-lucrativos-en-cualquier-parque-de-mostoles Protest. Each year, our natural parks with wildlife are destroyed and the peace and health of people is threatened, there is no benefit, stop these events in Mostoles!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-valencia-de-alc%C3%A1ntara-basta-de-cohetes Valencia de Alcántara. Against the indiscriminate use of rockets/ noisy fireworks in our town
                                                   ==========   News and more  =========
http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1657950 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1657856 votes now. Every 24 hours  =====
http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm  Changed, please vote for NR 2, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2847275 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours  ======
https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2018/08/poll_should_new_jersey_ban_bea.html Poll: Should New Jersey Ban Bear Hunting? Vote Yes please! Up to 60.45 % now! 


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