Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Petitions and More, May 17


https://koreandogs.org/sister-city-busan-thessaloniki/ Thessaloniki, Greece: Tell your Sister City, Busan, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats!
https://action.peta.org/sl2FbrN US-info. Spare Animals Suffering in Drug Tests! Support this Bill, the FDA Modernization Act, H.R. 2565/S. 2952
https://jedertag.lpages.co/galgosspanien/ Against the torture of galgos and other hunting dogs in Spain! There is still no law protecting the galgos from the hunters and their cruel methods in Spain. For a uniform animal protection law in the entire EU!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/fermes-sang-islande-sauvons-juments/178551  Blood farms in Iceland: Save the mares! Nearly 5,000 mares are being abused on 119 farms for the eCG hormone, their foals discarded! To confirm (cliquant ici)

https://www.change.org/p/hayvan-katliam%C4%B1-yapan-ta%C5%9Fova-belediye-ba%C5%9Fkan%C4%B1-ve-veteriner-hekimi-g%C3%B6revden-al%C4%B1ns%C4%B1n-tasovabelediye-amasyabld05-bayramozturk005 Turkey. The mayor and veterinarian of Taşova should be dismissed! The Taşova Municipality has not been performing the task of sterilization and treatment with the state budget they receive for years. Dogs are injected by garbage workers, dragged into garbage trucks, killed or thrown out in desolate area's!
https://www.change.org/p/ba%C5%9F%C4%B1bo%C5%9F-k%C3%B6pek-haritas%C4%B1-ve-sayfas%C4%B1-kapat%C4%B1ls%C4%B1n Turkey. The "stray dog ​​problem" page that targets innocent dogs living on their own and calls for hatred and massacre like poisoning should be closed. The application named The stray dog ​​map they have just developed, should be closed as well! 
https://www.change.org/p/stopper-divagation-d-un-chien-et-les-attaques-sur-les-chats Stop a dog, left to roam the streets, attacking and killing cats!
https://www.change.org/p/installation-de-ralentisseur-pour-prot%C3%A9ger-les-enfants-et-animaux Install speed bumps to protect children and animals in the Rue des forges in Schimeck
https://www.change.org/p/le-maire-de-cogolin-83310-var-espace-autoris%C3%A9-aux-chiens-sur-la-plage-des-marines-de-cogolin For an area authorized for dogs on the Marines de Cogolin beach (Gulf of Saint Tropez)  (to curfew abandonment....)
https://www.change.org/p/patrimoine-mondial Officially declare the Imi Ifri Valley to be a world geological and natural heritage

https://mygivingcircle.org/  Vote please, € 300.000 for Charities (f.e. Brumbies, twice) Once a week  (or for Pegasus Equine Guardian Association, or Believe Ranch and Rescue)

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