Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Petitions and More, July 20


https://lcanimal.salsalabs.org/southkoreandogmeatleekaiho/index.html  Urge MP Lee Kai-ho, South Korean National Assembly, to put an end to the dog meat trade by passing legislation to ban dog slaughter
Senate, speak out to end horse slaughter, support inclusion of the House-passed language on horse slaughter in the Senate transportation package, the INVEST in America Act (H.R. 3684)
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/585547  Introduce national limits on horse breeding in the UK. Unrestricted horse breeding has led to an excessive number of equines. The result is the slaughter of thousands of horses each year!
https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/V9ld_eQiz0Ob82AXswJJgQ2  Urgent reminder. The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission is now reviewing new hunting and trapping proposals that include expanding the trapping season, hunting wolves with bait, killing wolves at night, and use of inhumane strangling devices called snares. Please oppose!
https://secure.tpl.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1170 Tell your Senators: Oppose S.31 now! Utah’s Senator Lee introduced S.31, a bill that legitimizes the former administration’s action to eliminate the largest protections for public land in U.S. history, it will stop the Biden administration from restoring Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments
https://action.foe.org/page/31395/action/1?ea.url.id=926082 Demand Congress stop its support for factory farms!
https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/the_plan_for_glasgow_23/  Sign the urgent 5-point plan for the Glasgow climate summit
https://act.whitecoatwaste.org/page/31411/action/1 Urge your Members of Congress to stop the NIH from shipping your tax dollars overseas for cruel animal tests!
https://jedertag.lpages.co/whaling/ Stop dolphin and whale hunting in the Faroe Islands
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/sos-chien-bois-chat-luidgi-60/152803 France. Town hall of Noaillan, Mayor. Urgent (official) support is needed for the treatment of abused animals, now at  L'Arche de Maddy, and to sterilize 60 neglected cats. To confirm

https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/1160260887785232 Tweets, Biden, Haaland, BLM, declare a moratorium on all further wild horse & burro roundups, It’s the cattle who are overpopulated! Only about 50 Onaqui horses left, the herd is no longer viable. Stop Favoring private beef Cattle ranchers! 
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/1160261991118455 Ask these Reps. to cosponsor the SAFE Act, HR 3355, no to horse slaughter! 

https://bit.ly/3xPdu6v Call for the Taiwanese government and Sanlih to stop the import of 18 giraffes, southern white rhinos, antelopes, zebras and other wildlife, for the sole purpose of commercial profit
https://www.change.org/p/castraciones-masivas-y-gratuitas-en-gral-pueyrred%C3%B3n-gmontenegro-ok For massive and free spay and neuter in Gral. Pueyrredon, Buenos Aires
Valladolid, Yucatan. Validate animal protection laws. Sanctions and fines from minimum wages to jail for non-compliance
https://bit.ly/3Bf37ei Republic of Kazakhstan. A dog was burnt alive in Kazakhstan! Do not let such atrocities go unpunished!
https://www.change.org/p/no-a-la-deforestaci%C3%B3n-del-bosque-de-retamos-de-m%C3%A1s-de-300-a%C3%B1os-en-calingasta-san-juan-calingastagob-sergiounac-jorgescellato  No to the deforestation of the more than 300-year-old broom forest in Calingasta, San Juan, for a photovoltaic and wind power plant (condor route)
https://www.change.org/p/prefeito-proposta-de-cria%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-abrigo-para-c%C3%A3es-e-gatos-em-itarantim-ba Proposal to create a shelter for dogs and cats in Itarantim-BA in order to improve their lives

https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/277/119/846/  Needs more signatures! Ban the shipping of horses overseas for slaughter !
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/321/605/451/  Urge Congress to Reintroduce and Pass the SAFE ACT to Stop Horse Slaughter! As well

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