Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Petitions and More, May 25


https://whe.salsalabs.org/safehr33550/index.html  Please cosponsor HR 3355, Safeguard American food Exports, SAFE. Put an end to transport of American horses for slaughter 
https://projectcoyote.salsalabs.org/predatorfilmpetition/index.html If not signed yet.  End Wildlife Killing Contests on Federal Public Lands!
https://expiredcampaign.org/takeaction/?mc_cid=965cd98262&mc_eid=45d885d07f  Sainsbury’s CEO take action for calves and urge Müller to prohibit the onward trade of calves from their farms
https://support.worldwildlife.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1028  Asking Congress to take the necessary steps to help prevent future pandemics
https://www.parliament.nz/en/petitions/sign/PET_101334   Ban commercial greyhound racing in Aotearoa New Zealand
https://actioncenter.grey2kusa.org/campaign/26556/ US-info. Write to the White House and call for an end to dog racing
https://actioncenter.grey2kusa.org/campaign/28033/  Reminder.   US-info. Urge your Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 3335, the US Greyhound Protection Act
https://www.peta.org.uk/features/government-animal-welfare-plan/ Tell the Government to Act on Its Animal Welfare Plan
https://action.hsi.org.au/page/83260/action/1 AU-info.  Victoria: Your chance to speak up for wildlife
https://www.likenowhereelse.org.au/water_paper  The WA Government is considering whether to open the Martuwarra Fitzroy River up to huge irrigated agriculture projects, a disaster
https://act.oceana.org/page/82204/action/1 Please cosponsor the Illegal Fishing and Forced Labor Prevention Act
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/lettre-ouverte-gouvernement-afin-obtenir-reponses/143188 Mutilations of Horses, Open letter from the collective emergency horses and rural areas in danger on animal welfare in our society in France! To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/nouveau-scandale-elevage-uf-nos-villages/139978 Chickens still living in hell. New scandal in the breeding of "L'Œuf de nos Villages": demand its closure!
https://actions.tibetnetwork.org/node/377  Airbnb: stop sponsoring genocide

https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/1124742374670417 Ask these Reps to cosponsor HR 3355 the SAFE Act for Horses, banning Horse slaughter in the US and the exportation abroad for slaughter!

https://bit.ly/3uh9BVe Hellish Death Camps for dogs in Kazakhstan
https://www.change.org/p/comunidad-administraci%C3%B3n-de-ch%C3%ADa-firmas-para-apoyar-a-los-animales-del-municipio-de-ch%C3%ADa Support the animals of the municipality of Chía Cundinamarca, they all have the right to have a chance to be adopted!


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