Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Petitions and More, March 9


https://r.newsletter.koreandogs.org/ajj3z8odtht7e.html Please take action for S. Korea's dogs and cats!
https://action.hsi.org/page/76792/action/1?ea.tracking.id=email_action_seals_21  Urge the Canadian government to end the commercial seal hunt and issue emergency directives to protect baby seals
https://stopthetoxicsale.afd.org.au/petition?mc_cid=d7553243ca&mc_eid=a2fc72caa4  Stop these horrific hunts that torture and kill hundreds of beautiful dolphins every year, stop the Toxic Sale of mercury-laden dolphin meat
https://www.drove.com/campaign/6037e54388fec3ecba0e52a6  Stop the opening of a new slaughterhouse at the site of Ryding Regency Slaughterhouse in Toronto
https://igualdadanimal.mx/actua/leyes-para-los-animales  Laws for Animals in Mexico! This initiative seeks to protect and care for all animal species, including those intended for supply or consumption without making distinctions or exclusions
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/exigeons-destitution-maire-el-kef-stop_shipping/129631 Tunesia,  We demand the removal of the mayor of El Kef to stop dog shooting!  In the interest of the immediate dog-shooting ban and to secure a new civilized mayor who believes in humanity!
To confirm signature
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/aide-aux-animaux-misereux-souffrants-rues/129697  Asking for Help for destitute and suffering animals in the forgotten streets of Joutija (Essaouira, Morocco)
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/construction-pigeonnier/129760 Construct a dovecote with contraceptives in  Châtenay-Malabry
https://act.ran.org/page/27222/petition/1 MUFG bank: Change course now and cut ties with those palm oil companies unless they commit to and prove that they’re protecting rainforests and respecting human rights
https://act.ejfoundation.org/de/blue-carbon The ocean supports our climate system and ensures that our planet remains habitable: But marine habitats hardly play a role when it comes to embedding them in climate policy. Changes are needed
https://artenvielfalt.greenpeace.at/fruehlingssterben/   Federal government campaign for strong species protection at the next UN species protection conference
https://p2a.co/kU551E1   Protect California's Streams from Dredge Mining

https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/1074678703010118  Tweets, stop China's dog meat trade!, stop Yulin!
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/1074678339676821 1 Tweet and reply, support the agreement to prohibit the dog and cat meat trade worldwide

https://bit.ly/3chD0aO The government of Tatarstan must start taking care of animals!; March 5, 2021, city of Nizhnekamsk, Rep. of Tatarstan, in a private mini-shelter due to a malfunction of electrical heating devices, a fire broke out, all 43 cats and 1 dog died
https://bit.ly/3qrylbt Requesting official help for the Timville Animal Shelter, Kaliningrad Region
https://www.change.org/p/procureur-de-la-republique-justice-pour-tiago-et-teddy Justice for Tiago and Teddy, prosecute the volunteer
https://www.change.org/p/comandante-polic%C3%ADa-nacional-de-paraguay-prohibir-uso-de-caballos-montada-polic%C3%ADa-nacional-en-manifestaciones The presence  of horses should be prohibited in events that put their physical integrity at risk
Spain, Madrid region. Plenty of reasons to convert this place into the place it once was, facilitate the procedures to return this environmentally natural environment to the Sierra del Guadarrama National Park

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