Friday, February 19, 2021

Petitions and More, Febr. 19  Call for action, file the e-petition, send an email, tweet!   Outlaw the possession or private distribution of fetish animal crush or bestiality videos!    Australia. Massive Puppy Farm proposed in NSW that could house up to 320 dogs and puppies, please voice your opposition !  Australia is looking to remove humpback whales from the threatened species list under EPBC Act listing eligibility for Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale) The Humpback whale should remain a threatened specie!
Ask the Councilors and the Mayor of the City of Puebla to Ban Bullfights, sign and tweet!   Calling on the French military to demand that Cobra Gold organizers permanently replace the use and eating of live animals in food supply survival exercises in Thailand with more animal-free training methods. efficient and more ethical!   Puppy Farm Planned for Moama, New South Wales – Object Now!   France. Save the dogs of Mayotte; stolen dogs, victims of unthinkable abuse, severed limbs, cropped ears, live castrations, dog fights , caused by young people. To confirm  Save Grimlock's Dog Refuge . Prefect of the Vosges, Grimlock Shelter has an appointment with a justice conciliator for the noise and because the people are scared (without any reason)   Animal fostering families are in danger, articles 3 bis and 4 must be modified by the Senate ; do not require "behavioral tests"  by vets! Art. 4:  It is necessary to make sterilization of cats compulsory    Save "Les Amis de Lulu", a leisure center and a dog training center Minister David Parker, Destructive fishing techniques like bottom trawling must be banned on seamounts, and cameras installed on the full commercial fishing fleet, to protect ocean wildlife like seabirds, dolphins and seals  NOAA: Support the strongest proposed protections for "America's Great Barrier Reef"  Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s want you to believe they deserve the gold stars in their logos—they don't.  Tweet, replies, shocking videos and pictures recently from Vietnam. Dogs, cats and other animals beaten, dismembered, abused sexually, strangled....Vietnam, enact/strengthen and enforce laws to protect animals! Tweets, Vietnam, Ban the Dog and Cat meat trade!  Support for Amendment of the 'Prevention of cruelty to animals Act, 1960', India! Mass murder of dogs in Sochi in front of children!  We need massive spay and neuter campaigns in San Isidro , BS-AS, Argentina, since the streets are full of abandoned, sick, malnourished dogs and cats, litters and litters of puppies in such quantity that the neighbors cannot cope with the rescue The time has come for Rosana Guerra to take over the animal secretariat of the city of Rio de Janeiro! Lorquí, Murcia , 15 years of abuse, stop looking the other way and put an end to this situation that has lasted no less than 15 years in time.  Relocate the animals! It’s legal to sexually abuse animals in this state. Help ban beastiality in Hawaii now! Protect Colorado's health and environment from devastating wildfires!


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