Thursday, October 1, 2020

Petitions and More, Oct. 1 Call to action for the Taiji Dolphins, Japan Ask these Reps to cosponsor HConRes71 - Urging all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enact & enforce existing laws against such trade! Tweets, cosponsor HConRes71 , urging All Nations to Outlaw the Dog and Cat meat trade and to Enforce Existing Laws against the Trade! Ask these Representatives to support HR 961, the SAFE Act, to ban horse slaughter in the US and exportation abroad for slaughter! Tweets. Please join the 234 Cosponsors for HR961, the Safe Act! No to Horse Slaughter!
--------------------- Please send an email, file an e-People petition, Tweet (scroll down), post on their Fb pages (sign petition)! Protect Wolves from Clear-cut Logging in the Tongass National Forest! Reminder. US-info. Demand Action to Protect Endangered Species, Please co-sponsor and pass S. 2491 ! Important reminder! End Cruel and Unnecessary Trapping on Public Lands! Just like Loretta Schrijver, Diggy Dex, Tommy Wieringa and Guido Weijers, sign this letter to the financial sector and call on them to stop animal cruelty in the factory farming industry! Russia. Increase punishment for cruelty to animals, no more impunity! Mexico. End animal abuse and torture practices in the dog pound of the municipality of García N. L.!  These catchers also invade private property and intimidate neighbors, catching the animals in an inhumane way by hanging them, throwing them in sacks, hitting them! Colombia. Justice for the mass death of 42 innocent kittens, found in a mass grave on the Cerro de las Tres Cruces, in Medellín This is not the first time! Brazil. Release the cat trapped inside the CukLine lumber shed - located at Rua Padre João in Vilatiradentes, RJ - for over a week Turkey. Cancel the tender for 7 hook-horned mountain goats and 7 wild goats (listed as endangered species) in Bingöl!

==========================  Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner at your right to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872403 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours

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