Saturday, January 5, 2019

Petitions and More, Jan. 5 S. Korea. Use Google translate please. We are seeking protection for abandoned/stray cats; against the feeding ban, pro winter sheltering (and pro sterilization campaigns)! Just click on the blue square below the number of signatures, 동의 = I agree, and sign in with Facebook, Twitter or Naver-account. Now appr. 10,300 sign. Deadline: Jan 23th Retweets. S. Korea. Please help pass the Proposed Amendments: from DrPyo, to Ban Dog and Cat slaughter; from SangdonLee: to Remove Dogs from the Livestock List and from 'dudehowru’ : the Waste Management Act ! Plus 1 on Cambodia, and against fur  Tweets. Thank you Kennel Club UK for refusing to attend the World Dog Show 2019 hosted by China;  10 Mill dogs tortured to death/year. Shame on you for attending: USA,  Australia, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Germany Canada, Spain, Ireland, Argentina! Against the World Dog Show in China, please leave a comment!
( 2019, the year of the Worls dog show in China: FCI, CKU and the 53 judges who have accepting judging invitations clearly are perfectly fine with having a World Dog Show in a country that tortures and slaughters millions of dogs each year for consumption) Please send an email to these Chinese Embassies, to help Ban Yulin! Tweets. Help ban Yulin and the Leechee ‘festival’!
--------------------- 1) Stop Egypt from Poisoning & Shooting & Exporting Dogs and Cats for Meat! 2) Keep Ban of Rhino and Tiger Parts in China! For the ban on private bullfighting schools in France! To confirm Tell Wash U to investigate the alleged appalling failures in its laboratories and pull the plug on cruel and pointless experiments!;jsessionid=00000000.app218b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1118 Thank Beth Israel Deaconess for Ending the Use of Live Animals at BIDMC ! Argentina. Santiago del Estero. Justice for the murdered dog(s) of Brea Pozo, we want an exemplary sentence for Pablo Villa ! Mexico. Pedro Escobedo, Querétaro. End the number of killings, poisoning, murders of and violations towards animals and follow up on complaints! Mexico. City of Othon P. Blanco. Justice for Canela, raped ‘routinely’ by it's owner and 'friends', apply Article 34 of the Law on Protection and Animal Welfare of the State! Spain. Urgent. Parliament of Navarre, let me have Sugi as an assistance/protection dog. And if they are not yet included, incorporate the protection dogs of victims of sexist violence in the Law that regulates assistance dogs  Spain. Justice for this little, injured fox, kicked to death ‘for fun’ by this hunter! Spain. Justice for Sota, punishment for the policemen who killed this dog in Barcelona Justice for Globo, expell Cristian Benirez, Commune 4, from the police forcesórdoba-que-en-la-perrera-de-cordoba-no-limpien-las-jaulas-con-los-animales-dentro-los-mojan  Córdoba City Council: stop Sadeco hosing the kennels in the dog pound with cold water under high pressure with the dogs inside, causing illness and death! France. Against hunting with glue! Petition against the decision of the Council of State which has just rejected the appeal of the LPO to prohibit the hunting of birds with glue. It shows the power of hunting lobbies and all the contempt that Pres. Macron and his government have for animal species ! France. This so-called "traditional", cruel hunt, consisting of capturing birds using wooden sticks coated with glue and hidden in the vegetation, on trees or bushes, should be banned. In just 30 years, more than 420 million birds in Europe have disappeared! France. The Council of State has approved the cruel practice of catching birds with glue in five departments of the South - East on 28/12/2018! A decision incomprehensible at a time when the birds disappear from our countryside! Extinction Could Be a Reality for the Last Remaining Florida Panthers! The Silent Extinction of Giraffes Just Got Even Worse!  Urge the New Zealand Gov. to give proper protection to the critically endangered Maui Dolphins! Peluchin Entertainment, Chilean YouTuber in the Spanish YouTube community   Report him to in order to prevent more cat torture, collect all petitions, this is NOT enough! Our National Parks are Getting Trashed While the Government's Closed. Let Our Parks Staff Get Back to Work!
                                         ==========   News and more  =========
-  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 2409568 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 2409492 votes now. Every 24 hours
-  Changed, please vote for Nr. 1 now, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 3603447 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours ------------- Norway, Poll, scroll down please, vote as often as possible:  Should it be permitted to hunt for Wolves in Ulvesona? Vote/Stem Nei =No please  (65% at this moment) They are near extinction again!


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