Friday, September 20, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 20  Animal Emergency: the Moroccan Government's Monstrous Project to Eliminate Stray Dogs (and Cats) in the Name of Tourism and Football! FIFA is going to Morocco this month to assess the sites of the 2030 World Cup. Innocent community dogs and cats are shot and poisoned, suffering for hours! 
-- Email the Secretary General so that they can speak to the Moroccan government; 
 mattias.grafströ  Fewer than 20 red wolves survive in the wild — and recently five have been killed by cars Tell USFWS to withdraw this appeal and uphold the President's promises to protect wolves before it is too late!  UK-info. End cramped and cruel cages for farm animals Justice for Pitchou the cat gravely injured by a bullet! (Hunters, or the neighbour?) To validate  Stop motorized vehicles, let's preserve nature, hiking trails and hikers in the Rhône-Alpes region Paimpol town hall must stop killing pigeons and use ethical and effective methods (contraceptive dovecote and corn) Stop the sale of glue traps in Gamm vert stores in Marmande  Australia must urgently ratify the Global Ocean Treaty Jet Boat Regulation Needed on the Upper Rogue River Tweets for the Horses and Burro's cosponsor the SAFE Act, HR3475 !  Borneo. Plantation companies begin to explore the forest for large-scale palm oil plantations disrupting the ecological balance, destroying forest resources, and ruin the natural beauty of the pristine forests in Ulu Belaga!  For a city free of animal cruelty. The abuse and exploitation that bullfighting represents is an insult, ban bullfighting in Móstoles, Spain!  Implement an active and regular policy that respects animal rights: identifying populations and sterilizing stray animals in Schoelcher neighborhoods  Demand the elimination of cages for capturing and killing pigeons in Argentona, Spain Demanding that Seville City Council stop issuing licenses for horse-drawn carriages and protect these animals from future abuse and tragedies, creating alternatives  Allow the 4 geese to continue living in our neighborhood, under the conditions deemed necessary  Allow Animals Access on Buses to the Municipal Hospital of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina / Urge Biden to Protect Gray Wolves and Repeal the Trump-Era Rule!
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News S11. E21: Chimp Crazy: Brittany Peet: The Attorney Nearly 2,000 species are at-risk in B.C. Only 42 are being considered for new protections

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 19 Submit your objection to the BLM and USFS' inhumane plan to roundup and remove the beloved Montgomery Pass horses! US-info. Congress, pass the Preventing Animal Abuse and Waste (PAAW) Act, HR 7958, which will cut taxpayer funding for not only the NIH’s bleeding puppy colony, but all of its Painful dog (and cat!) experiments! For non-US citizens as well. The US federal government spends a maddening amount of money each year. Countless billions of taxpayer dollars are arguably wasted on ineffective programs, useless research, and bloated bureaucracy that should have been eliminated decades ago!  US-info. The FDA is not properly implementing the law, and it's causing needless and excessive torment of beagles, primates, and other animals in new drug approvals! Please support the FDA Modernization Act 3.0 to compel the FDA to update their regulations to include non-animal-testing methods where they are available in drug development! Reminder. Tell the Canadian Senate Ag Committee to Pass Bill to Ban Horse Exports for Slaughter Against the killing of wolves in the Ardennes (there are only 6 present) . To validate  Reminder. C&K Meats, a Red Tractor and RSPCA Assured slaughterhouse. Help us rewrite the outrageous statement to make it accurate  Stop the slaughter of animals in Palestine! Animal rights associations must respond! Please send a message, see example  Mexico. Demand More Government Support for Animal Shelters Like "Albergue Vida Digna" Demand the Cancellation of Bullfights at the San Francisco Fair, Pachuca, Mexico  Spain. No to deer hunting during the rut!  Calling for an end to the horrific dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia!  Stop the farming of all big cats and ban all commercial trade of big cats and their parts from, within and to South Africa! 
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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 18 South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Which Turns a Blind Eye to Illegal Dog Meat Farming, Must Wake Up! To file an e-People petition, send an email, tweet!  Speaking up for animals in the Northern Territory!  Reminder. Urge the UK Government to Mandate an End to All Experiments on Animals France, Create a Ministry for livestock, for wildlife and marine life, and for pets, domestic, pleasure, tamed and other  animals  For a Public Veterinary Hospital, municipal pet cemetery and Popular Pet Pharmacy in Marília/SP  Set up fenced dog area's on Via Santa Maria Mazzarello/ Via Valsugana in Turin for socialization
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 17  To file an e-petition, to send emails, tweet  US-info. Urge your lawmakers to protect animals in the Farm Bill reauthorization!  US-info. Target: Animals deserve better! No more battery cages, no more gestation crates!
Puigcerdà, Catalonia, Spain. Three hours of suffering before being crushed by a train: justice for the poor dog! Neither the authorities, nor the emergency services, nor the veterinarians answered the call! To validate  No to the slaughter of goats in the Fontfroide massif! Emergency for the dog Angel: Let's not return her to her tormentor!  5 century-old ash trees are threatened with felling for the benefit of a housing development! Demand the closure of the Senator Mine and protect Prescott’s precious environment from further destruction  Support the immediate end of commercial, clearcut Old-Growth logging in the Tongass National Forest as proposed in alternatives 2 and 3 Tweets, the horrible killing of innocent community dogs and cats in Turkey continues! Stop this massacre law!  It's time to put an end to animal abuse in Spain! Demanding real and urgent change in the law for all animals!  Abhorrent treatment of monkeys in Cape Verde removed from their mothers and subjected to appalling conditions For a sterilization program for stray cats / Saint-Isidore Beauce Quebec, Canada. A group of citizens want to set up and take care of the CSRM program (capture, sterilization, return, maintenance) (later on with the support of the municipality) Germany. Rebuild an animal shelter, facilitating the establishment of foster homes and providing funds to spay and neuter the cats in Wuppertal, help the strays of the Bergisches Land and the local animal welfare associations who are overwhelmed and cannot take in any more animals  Make commercial dog breeding illegal; appr. 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized each year!  Intervene and assist in the swift relocation of these tigers at Little French Key to a safari park or sanctuary  Enforce stricter regulations that prevent animals from being placed in harmful environments after their stay in shelters  SOS for a dog tied up and alone 23 hours a day, whose ribs are showing in Arteixo (A Coruña) Spain  Care and protection for domestic and street animals in Peruíbe  Turkey. Protect Baby Sea Turtles and Sand Lilies in Mersin against the loud, noisy, excessively bright parties every week of the beach club, and against destruction in this Nature Park, the hatchlings that come out of the nests have started to die before reaching the sea!  Stop the Abusive Blow Dart Attacks on Florida's Pigeons Pledge to Avoid Turtleshell Products
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Monday, September 16, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 16  A tragedy is unfolding in the wilderness across the US. Masses of gray wolves are being slayed in Western states, threatening to undo decades of conservation that brought them back from the brink of extinction Only 127 Yellowstone gray wolves remain in the wild, and they’re losing the fight against merciless hunters. Tell the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service that we urgently need federal ESA protections for gray wolves if we’re going to save these beloved animals from extinction!  Congress, support the Indian Buffalo Management Act to revive and preserve Indigenous cultures, Tribal landscapes, and iconic American wildlife  The State's decision to sell part of the Public Maritime Domain to hotels in Reunion is a serious attack on the heritage of future generations. The ecological heritage of this island remarkable for its biodiversity must not be sold off! To validate Tweets, Turkey, Stop the horrific massacre of innocent community dogs and cats! Tweets for the SAFE ACT, HR3475, to prevent the transport and slaughter of horses and burro's abroad! Demand Cat Welfare Services in Drummondville for spay and neuter and vaccinations  Kristin has an appalling history with animals. She has been charged with the abuse of 5 boarded horses, a dog, and has contributed directly to the death of a boarder's horse and her own stallion  Her cat slipped away and was run over, now Bastet shelter in Montevideo will not give her back, while the police say she is dead  Popoti, a Polynesian pig saved from abuse in late 2023, sees his fate threatened again at his former owners
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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 14  Reminder. The PAAW Act cuts every single painful NIH experiment on dogs and cats Reminders. Petitions for Horses and Burro's Help Stop the Killing of Rabbits, Cows, Goats, and Other Animals for Fashion  Brussels-Capital Region and the Walloon Region. Stray cats are being sacrificed by the public authorities! Demanding vigorous and concerted measures on the ground to put an end to the ordeal of all these cats!  Montreuil Film Festival: for the deprogramming of the film "Bambi". For the filming, this movie called upon wild animal trainers . For a few minutes on screen, the animals are deprived of freedom for their entire lives and undergo the violence of training. Even though there are technical alternatives to represent animals on screen (computer-generated images, animatronics, video clips from image banks, etc.)  The Netherlands. Demand a street ban on meat advertising!  Require the installation of cameras on fishing vessels under 18 metres. More than 11,000 dolphins were killed by this type of fishing in 2019  There is an urgent need to implement a sanitary landfill in Magdalena Bay to protect the environment, wildlife and local communities  Murcia City Council, stop fireworks during the festivals in the Progreso and Patiño neighbourhoods
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News About the survey: 98% added a comment that they feel the BLM simply does not care about wild horses/burros (or the public). The failure to create an enforceable and formal welfare policy is a clear indicator that nothing in the program is functional or fair! 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 13 The SAFE Act for horses could end the export and slaughter of horses from the U.S. But Congress needs to know you support this legislation   New Documents: 21 Canadian Horses Killed in 1 Year from Shipments to Japan  Stand with Stella McCartney and PETA by pledging never to wear leather  No to culling the pack of 7 wolves that reside in Switzerland in the canton of Vaud at Mont Tendre! To validate  France. Support the Gorges du Tarn Greenway project, section 1, between Millau and Aguessac, for pedestrians, cyclists, rollerbladers and people with reduced mobility, secure and car-free Tweets for the SAFE Act, HR3475, for the Horses and Burro's!  There is a public budget allocated to welfare, there is a welfare law that is not respected. For Municipal responsibility towards cats and dogs in Ibiza! He Went on an Animal Killing Spree, Murdering 80 Animals, Miniature Horses, Goats, Rabbits, and More The Largest Wetland in the World Is On Fire. Demand Action to Halt Climate Change Give the Southern Resident Killer Whales a lifeline now Tell Procter & Gamble to stop flushing our forests
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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 12  Release the Alamogordo Primate Facility’s chimpanzees to sanctuary  Proposed Monkey Prison’s CEO Lies About His Role in Envigo Beagle Case  Updated. Ask Brad Pitt's cashmere company to switch to vegan cashmere! All of the cashmere comes from goats whose hair is violently stolen and then brutally killed Support federal buy-out of Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness school trust lands  Let's preserve nature, protect our lives: Demand measures against hunting Tweets for the SAFE Act, HR3475, for the equines!  Russia. Bring juvenile animal abusers, torturers and their parents to justice for murder!  Turkey. Allow Adoption of Banned Breeds from these dog pounds where they are sentenced to death  Italy. Lets save the feline colony (15 cats) inside the courtyard of the building whose demolition is planned, in via Luigi Corsi in Savona. Access is blocked by a gate with a padlock! These cats have to be captured, treated, sterilized and relocated to suitable facilities! France. For a sterilization campaign in Villeurbanne, up till now there is clearly a lack of interest in animal protection, masked by a budgetary argument, while other municipalities, many of which have a much smaller general budget, have placed animal welfare among their priorities  In 2020, the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife reported that over 50,000 deer were killed in controlled hunts!  The self-cleaning litter box is dangerous
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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 11  French oil giant Total has been drilling up a Ugandan elephant sanctuary, driving animals away from seclusion and into fatal conflict with local people, a shocking report has found!  Tell PBS Board of Directors: Pull Misleading Wild Horse Segment! Last year, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) aired an episode of "Human Footprint" series that categorized wild horses as an "invasive species" and proceeded to promote the lie that there are too many wild horses who are destroying our public lands (livestock propaganda)!  Help reclaim the wild in the Mount Timpanogos Wilderness Tweets, Boycott Turkey, the gruesome massacre of innocent community dogs and cats continues! Russia. We demand increased penalties for cruelty to animals, these cases are numerous and increasing! Lower the age of criminal responsibility for teenagers and recognize abuse and torture as criminal offenses!  Russia. We demand punishment for juvenile sadistic animal torturers from the village of Kotik, Tulunsky district!  Stop Cat Roaming in China, demanding the Urgent Creation of Safe Shelters by Law, against kidnapping and torture of Cats!  Cancel the permit that the government wants to grant for bullfights in the city as they are considering resuming the events in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico!  Allow the entry of dogs from Peru to the US, against the 28-day quarantine with an exorbitant cost of $5,000 !  For a Dénia without Cruelty: Let's stop the slaughter of wild boars in the Marina Alta  City of Goiânia and the competent authorities consider moving the Goiânia Zoo to a new location significantly larger and better equipped to meet the needs of the animals  Protest. The Haute-Vienne Fishing Federation and the municipality want to set up a boat launch on the Palais-sur-Vienne dam while this dam is still today a preserved site classified as a sensitive ecological zone  For modification of the traffic plan in rue de Calendrou in Cesson-Sévigné They Snapped a Young Cow's Neck and Euthanized Three Horses at This Bloody Canadian Rodeo
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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 10  Urgent, if not signed yet: Stop BLM's Wild Burro Elmination Plan for Small Herd in Northern Arizona!  Tell the NIH to investigate cruel and deadly experiments on primates!  Reminder, US-info. Support the Captive Primate Safety Act Congress, oppose the EATS Act and protect innocent animals  Justice for this cat found with a paw shredded by a shoelace trap, sharp wire, found at the church square of Breuil-la-Réorte, in Charente Maritime. To validate  Justice for Oreo: Bitten and Used as a Nutcracker, she broadcasts it as a real show on social media! Oreo is now safe, but justice still has to be done Tweets, the killing of innocent Dogs and Cats continues, Stop the Turkish Dog and Cat Massacre Law!  Dep. of the Environment of the Regional Government of Castile and Leon: roe deer and wild boars are dying by drowning in the Arriola irrigation canal in León!  We ask that the ASL clinic in Sant'Antioco be urgently reopened and that sterilizations of regularly registered cats belonging to the Municipalities of Sant'Antioco, Calasetta and surrounding areas be restarted!  La Matanza, west zone, there are 7 dogs locked in a room of an empty house, the males fight, they are hungry, cold, the house is damp and dirty, the owner is a hoarder. Lomas del Mirador. No help from the police Prevent the killing of the beaver family in Riedhirsch (Heimenkirch)  Poços de Caldas. Councilman, free the horses from the slavery of the carriages
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Monday, September 9, 2024

Petitions and More, Sept. 9  The BLM and NPS are proposing to remove every single burro from the 100,000 acre Herd Management Area (HMA) in the Mojave Desert, in northwest Arizona! An insane plan again!  Tell Nigerian Officials to Stop Social Media Animal Torturer!  Urge South Korean Racing Industry to End Abuse and Killing of Unwanted Horses Urge your Members of Congress to cosponsor the bipartisan Accountability in Foreign Animal Research (AFAR) Act Protect innocent gray wolves from being wiped out by ruthless hunters!  Tweets, Republicans Project 2025 will hurt animals!  Russia. The St. Petersburg city government has stopped funding the program for the free capture and sterilization of stray animals, this is disastrous for the animals and the volunteers!  Russia. From the Lipetsk volunteers, the animal shelter "Happy Shore".
Punish this woman who cruelly treats animals in Lipetsk, she has thrown a dog out of a window from the fourth floor for the second time!  Help please! Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 245. Cruelty to animals. This animal torturer has to be found and charged! He burns them alive, cuts them, pulls out teeth. We need publicity!  ....Info is missing  Put an end to animal poisoning in Camanducaia, MG  For the Creation of a Municipal Veterinary Hospital in Azogues, Ecuador, particularly for those living on the streets or belonging to low-income families  Now Coca-Cola Food Fest threatens the Ecological Park of Puebla
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