Thursday, February 6, 2025

Petitions and More, Febr. 6  Take Action for Grizzly Bears! Please Pass SB 2331, speak up for the Theodore Roosevelt National Park wild horses! AU-info. Nature needs us, this election, candidates: Stop bulldozing the bush  Stop the Russian Shadow Fleet avoid a ticking environmental bomb Stop Donald Trump’s EPA from allowing 16,500 gallons of caustic sodium hydroxide to be dumped into our oceans!  BLM targets forest reserves...again  Mondelēz treats like Oreo and Cadbury are laying waste to the planet's rainforests, and fueling rights violations against Indigenous peoples and frontline activists  Let the @AsambleaEcuador cancel the LODA! Yes to animal protection. The Biodiversity Commission, influenced by the economic interests of cattle, cockfighting and bullfighting associations, has submitted a report for the second debate of the LODA law, a proposal that represents an alarming regression in the protection of animal rights and a flagrant failure to comply with the mandate of the Constitutional Court!  Russia, Krasnodar region, Gulkevichsky district. Animal Cruelty. Stop Unauthorized Dog Fighting!  Felines left without a placement solution, living in precarious conditions following the cessation of performances in circuses and who require a place to live adapted to their needs. Big Cats has built its first three enclosures in an exceptional setting, but the prefecture has been blocking the project for 2 years and is preventing the progress of the final works  Mexico. Let's protect the Blue Whale: No more cruises in Loreto during Whale Season Justice for Jacinto Victim of Animal Cruelty, run over 3 times by JFO, in Santo Tome, Corrientes, Argentina  Ronnie Morris simply just left Nala to die, ensure justice is served!  Mexico. San Francisco Totimehuacán, Puebla. Justice for Rocket, kidnapped and killed with an overdose of anesthesia  Spain. Let's save biodiversity, all of us President Mattarella, be the guarantor of the sentence on the Land of Fires, Terra dei Fuochi! The Italian State has violated our right to life and health (exposed to an environmental disaster, pollution) Let Pups N Chill remain at the DUA Hotel to continue, bringing together health, wellness, and social engagement while supporting a greater cause—helping shelter dogs find permanent homes
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