Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Petitions and More, Febr. 11


https://action.americanwildhorse.org/a/freewildhorses-2025  Halt Helicopter Roundups of America’s Wild Horses and Burros ( more wild horses are confined in government holding pens than exist in the wild—a shocking and unacceptable reality )
https://www.varkensinnood.nl/stop-illegaal-transport The Netherlands. For strict penalties for transporters who transport sick and injured animals! 
https://action.nrdc.org/letter/3823-logging-020625  US-info. Protect our forests from the latest congressional attack
https://tinyurl.com/ycyxb43t  Russia. Petition against cruelty to stray dogs in the city of Timashevsk, Krasnodar Krai.
Appeal to local authorities and citizens. Help for homeless dogs in Timashevsk, while it is not too late! Goal: Construction of a shelter
https://www.change.org/p/cr%C3%A9er-un-fichier-national-des-auteurs-de-maltraitance-animale  France. Create a national file of perpetrators of animal abuse
https://www.change.org/p/retirer-le-projet-de-40000-poules-pondeuses-industrielles-%C3%A0-l-entr%C3%A9e-du-village-de-duneau  Remove the Project of 40,000 industrial laying hens at the entrance to the village of Duneau, France
Requesting Land and the Approve Environmental, Educational and Cultural Project in Roggero Dam, Moreno, Argentina
https://www.change.org/p/fermeture-de-la-pension-%C3%A9ducative-canine-de-l-outaouais-de-yannick-duchesne  Canada. Close Yannick Duchesne's Outaouais Dog Training Center. It poses an extreme danger to the dogs staying there, irresponsibly and illegally managed
https://www.change.org/p/modernize-veterinary-prescription-practices-end-the-antiquated-hard-copy-requirement  Australia. The current process necessitates that I travel to the veterinarian's office to obtain a printed prescription, then physically mail it to the supplier, and subsequently await the arrival of the medication! What a waste of time
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/934/947/188/  Demand Justice for These Pets Rescued From Horrific Abuse
Free clicks: 
https://movementforgood.com/ The Movement for Good Awards  

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