Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Petitions and More, Febr. 26 Tell Congress: NO Funding for Primate Breeding!  Oppose BLM's proposed Herd Management Area Plan (HMAP) for the Jackson Mountains herd, Nevada. BLM, set aside your anti-wild horse, and pro-livestock bias and manage OUR public lands for ALL Americans—not just a handful of private livestock operators! Urge your legislators to support the Animal Cruelty Enforcement (ACE) Act, which would establish for the first time ever an animal cruelty crimes section at the U.S. Department of Justice! US-info. Stop Trump’s “God Squad” from pushing critical wildlife to Extinction!  Stop the transport of very young animals in the Netherlands, hundreds of thousands of calves and piglets suffer during these long, stressful transports!  In Mexico, each state has its own animal protection law, which creates differences and leaves many animals vulnerable, especially those raised for human consumption. We demand a General Animal Protection Law!  Please Stop the Massacre of Dogs and Cats in Morocco!  Reminder. Thai government, end this suffering by shutting down these schools and banning monkey labour in the country  Reminder. Tourists Condemn the Cruelty of Horse Rides and Camel Photo Ops  Ask the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Marine Policies for a network of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean The Arctic Refuge belongs to the American people, not oil companies and billionaire investors! Stop the drilling plans!  Barranquilla, Colombia, more than 130 cats living near the Metropolitan Stadium went missing, eliminated to facilitate a concert, some of these animals appeared in garbage bags! Singer Shakira and Mayor, provide a public explanation about this disappearance! To manage and care for the abandoned cats in Praça Marques de Nazaré, Sao Paulo, Brazil Russia. Legislate prohibiting the mass killing of stray animals! An animal protection center should be formed with the participation of federal executive bodies, the Association of Volunteer Centers, and socially oriented NPOs. And ensuring the possibility of providing socially oriented NGOs with land plots in state or municipal ownership  No more hold baggage for our four-legged friends on low-cost flights  The Côteau d'Armor wood, St Evarzec, will be cleared to become a residential area on a classified wooded area, threatening the various species of ancient and majestic trees as well as the privileged environment of protected animal species, we say NO!  Calling for a catch limit, a catch window and, if necessary, a closure of the stretch for fishing during certain months at Alte and Neue Fahrt Potsdam
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