Monday, February 3, 2025

Petitions and More, Febr. 3  Reminder. Tell Minister of Agriculture to Ban Horse Exports for Slaughter Before the Next Election Reminder. EU-info. Stop the suffering of Galgos, Podencos and other hunting dogs in Spain! For legal regulations that include hunting dogs  Ask your U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative to cosponsor and to work to pass the FDA Modernization Act 3.0 This Year. The FDA must remove this antiquated, unnecessary, and inhumane requirement for animal tests from its regulations! US-info. Opposing Jon Raby as a permanent appointment as Director of the BLM, he is not capable of objectively managing our wild horses and burros nor will he uphold the protections given to them in the 1971 Wild and Free Roaming Wild Horse & Burro Act  Hector's dolphins are being wiped out by the fishing industry. Trawl and set nets must be banned throughout Hector's and Māui range - out to 100m deep or 20 nautical miles! Help stop this project to raise 61,600 chickens and 250 cows in a factory farm in Tinchebray-Bocage  Urge Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks to Ban Fur and Wildlife Skins  Kyrgyzstan, city of Bishkek and the surrounding areas: let's say "NO" to animal shooting! Stray animals are cruelly killed in front of children, the elderly, next to schools, kindergartens, puppies are hacked to death with shovels, beaten, strangled!  Opposing the killing of
hundreds of cormorants over the next five years in Liguria, Italy (because they eat fish)!  Argentina. "Archie's Law". In defense of animals. For mandatory veterinary autopsies in cases of doubtful or unclear death. For professional responsibility of veterinarians. For a Public Registry for Malpractice  Justice for cat Çağla left by the veterinarian in a site with no garden, a busy main street, crushed by a vehicle  City of Limburg: a pest controller will catch the pigeons, their chicks remain in the nest and starve to death  Carmo de Minas and region. Opposing the mining project, destroying the entire cultural, productive and tourist identity of Carmo de Minas and neighboring cities Massachusetts Finally Banned Cruel Cat Declawing. Other States Must Follow Suit!
Free clicks: The Movement for Good Awards 

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