Tweetsheet Korean dogs Please ask these Media outlets to speak out and urge China to ban Yulin, the horrific dog and cat meat trade and the wildlife wet markets where the corona virus started! Tweets, Vietnam, stop the dog and cat meat trade! Tweets and replies, urge China to ban Yulin, the horrific dog and cat meat trade! Tweets, join the 228 Cosponsors for HR961 and urge the House of Commerce to Markup and Review HR961!
-------------------------------- Send a message please, Yulin, China, 2020 US-info. Stop DOI Spending! Immediately stop them pursuing policy proposals or actions unrelated to COVID-19, like active land use revisions, massive reform (giveaways) to the livestock industry, oil and gas sale leases and wild horse roundups!
( Update) ----- In return for a € 7 billion loan, Air France has committed to developing the use of biofuels. Without specifying which ones. The risk is to pave the way for a massive use of palm oil in aviation and an acceleration of deforestation. Say no! Logging of BC’s grandest ancient forests continues as Old-growth Strategic Review panel submits recommendations to Province, comment please Support World Week for Animals in Laboratories, send a message Please ban the use of wild animals in travelling circuses in France For a free-flowing Chehalis River, oppose the proposed Chehalis Dam that would threaten fish and wildlife! ZIP: ------ Speak Out for Young Elk and Wildlife Crossings Support the transition to plant-based agriculture More to sign, most with UK ZIP The Groupement des Armateurs Industriels (GAIPES) and various artisanal fishing organizations in Senegal are sounding the alarm on attempts to grant new fishing licenses to 54 industrial fishing vessels without a prior assessment of the stocks, which could have devastating and potentially irreversible effects for Senegalese fisheries. To confirm France. Prohibit the reproduction of cetaceans confined for life and allow the creation of sanctuaries France. Rives-en-Seine 76490, kindly return our laying hen, to which we are attached Join the European Citizen Initiative opposition, forcing the European Commission to act to get Europe out of industrial agriculture based on the use of synthetic chemicals killing all pollinizers US-info. No Oil Bailout, pass the Rewind Act, preventing the Trump administration from using Cares Act funds for the people to bailout fossil fuel corporations, blocking executive actions taken or planned by Trump! Tell cruise companies: No return to pollution as usual US-info. Tell Congress: no money for dirty uranium mines Turkey, Minister of the Interior, around 400 earmarked dogs from the Konya dog pound have been dumped in a deserted area for them to starve to death, the mayor of Konya metropolitan, Uğur İbrahim Altay, continues to violate the animal rights law No. 5199! Protest! Brazil. The Gov. is requesting the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to authorize the death of animals rescued from situations of mistreatment - among them victims of quarrels and dogfighting! This is against the decision of Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the STF, who on March 23 ruled that there is no legal authorization in the Constitution that allows the death of animals collected in situations of mistreatment, thus suspending all laws and measures that allowed the sacrifice of rescued animals! Brazil. Bolsonaro defending the killing of abused animals! Protest! Brazil, say NO to the killing of animals rescued from abuse! Quebec. Punishment for torture or murder of animals should be more severe! .... Against resuming hunting on May 4th! A Wolf couple is established in the Walloon territory, with a strong presumption of pregnancy. The organization of hunting parties in these territories can greatly disturb or even endanger the group of wolves Abolish the clause in a rental-contract which prohibits the possession of animals in Quebec In Ste-Sophie lost and found dogs are not safe, they end up in the dog pound and might be sold or killed before you can trace them! Protect the biodiversity of the Acuitlapilco Lagoon and declare it as ANP / RAMSAR Site Italy. Time to accept our pets to be part of our family, they have to socialize, built suitable area's for them Italy. Re-open the dog walking area in Corso Europa Against the felling of Bailly-Romainvilliers trees China: Please Ban All Sale and Consumption of Wild Animals now, else we will Boycott China and Chinese Products
- Please vote, scroll down and click the orange button (left) to agree to the proposal from Guo Changgang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Policy Consultative conference and executive director of the Institute of Global Studies at the University of Shanghai, calling for legislation to protect pet animals! Every 24 hours. Now more than 2765678 supporters
- Second page, vote no. 1. China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or gray liner to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 5872163 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Abuse of animals recommended for sanctions for public security administration. Every 24 hours ------ Free clicks for animals Dedicated to the sterilization of stray cats
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