Text again mainly from this petition https://www.change.org/p/mr-chen-wu-end-yulin-2017
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Subject: China, Yulin 2020, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
我们呼吁中国官员 结束这个野蛮和文化上无关紧要的节日。每年约有10,000只狗(包括小狗和怀孕的狗)被活活化,被消灭,被肢解或肢解,在屠宰场被金属棒殴打死亡。狗餐馆业主声称,这些狗在经历, 直到他们的死亡, 几个星期的极端痛苦,创伤和恐惧使得肾上腺素丰富的狗肉味道加赠,并且带来夏至好运。
================================= Translation:
Dear reader:
On the 21st of each year on the day of June 21st in China, thousands of dogs were brutally tortured during the Summer Yulin Festival in Yulin, China, and then defeated.
Links related to brutal torture in China:
This weird and inhuman incident is responsible for undermining China's international reputation, spreading extreme and unnecessary cruelty and treatment of animals, and bringing unsanitary food to the Chinese people.
We call on Chinese officials to end this brutal and culturally insignificant holiday. Each year, approximately 10,000 dogs (including puppies and pregnant dogs) are activated, destroyed, mutilated or dismembered, and beaten to death by metal rods at the slaughterhouse. The owner of the dog restaurant claims that these dogs were experiencing until their death, weeks of extreme pain, trauma and fear made the adrenaline-rich taste of dog meat a bonus and brought good luck to the summer solstice.
Many of the dogs killed for the annual Yulin Festival are either stolen pets or homeless dogs.
These pets still wear their collars when they are killed.
Since many of these animals have been vaccinated as pets, there is a high health risk associated with ingestion of their meat.
According to the World Health Organization, the Chinese dog meat trade is related to trichinosis, rabies and cholera cases. Eating stolen pets and homeless dogs in Yulin, there is no clue about their source or health, worse than for the sober Chinese to eat the barricaded dog.
Although eating dog meat has ancient roots in many Asian cultures, Yulin has absolutely no historical or cultural significance.
According to the “Times Weekly” report, the event was only started in the 1990s to increase the profits of the dog restaurants, because most young Chinese do not consume dog meat, and the Yulin Festival is not even considered “official” culturally.
We call for the end of the cruel brutal Yulin Festival, urge China to restore its international reputation, and introduce basic animal rights laws.
Many Chinese are also asking this question!
Let me know if you agree, sincere:
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