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Yukilei.Sugimura@mauicounty.usSubject: Maui, It's NOT OK To Kill Cats By Starvation!! (SUBJECT: PROHIBITION ON FEEDING FERAL ANIMALS (PAF 20-127))
Dear Councilmember:
For years local volunteers and animal welfare organization have at no cost to the public humanely controlled the community cat population by TNR (trap neuter return).
Now a new bill 6.04.041introduced by Rikki Hokama intends to make colony management a crime and promotes cruel starvation of these animals as the accepted method of population reduction!
These colonies have been successfully managed for years scientifically reducing cat population in paradise by internationally accepted humane methods.
Feeding bans are archaic and have been tried elsewhere. There is not one example where they have been successful. We challenge Maui legislature to present us with one working example.They are a waste of taxpayers dollars and reduce the positive impact of TNR efforts.
If your concerns are sick/diseased animals surely without the care they get in managed colonies they will become sick from neglect!
With no more vaccines flea control or vet care all available to these animals now there will be diseased debilitated animals or dead bodies rotting in public places.
Toxoplasmosis one of the concerns is not only spread by cats but other animals like pigs and mongoose.There is no evidence any seal ever caught anything from a cat. With the extremely bad feral pig problem on Maui it is just as possible a monk seal caught toxoplasmosis from a pig being slaughtered upstream and filth washing off contaminated land or dead pigs into the ocean. It is more likely man and industrialization has been the culprit here. There is no evidence any seal ever caught anything from a cat.
This bill has largely been kept under wraps. There were no public notices and they timed it in the middle of coronavirus lockdown when the community is planning reopening not looking for animal welfare issues.
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