Saturday, March 4, 2017

Petitions and More, March 4 Second sheet. (to omit images, delete before sending the tweet)  US, extremely urgent Call to action to save Bear and Wolf families from being killed in their dens, shot from helicopters and tortured in those horrific steel jaw leg traps! Ask your Senator to vote No on Senate Joint Resolution 18 sponsored by Senator Dan Sullivan! The Resolution is in the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. It already passed through the House two weeks ago and it is poised to pass the Senate-- if we don't Stop it!
(  Find out how your Representative voted on HJ RES 69, which aims to repeal a federal rule that prohibits the inhumane slaughter of Alaskan wolf and bear populations on National Wildlife Refuges: YEA-AND-NAY  16-Feb-2017)
message! Copy/paste the text under Google translate first, for a regular letter! Support SB 286, SB 266 and SB 268 to end trapping and poisons on public lands, expand the reach of the State Game Commission to protect New Mexico’s wildlife and end coyote killing contests! Nebraska only. Tell your State Senator to support Legislative Bill 448 to end Mountain Lion hunting in Nebraska!;jsessionid=00000000.app263b?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=3020 US-info. Oppose House Joint Resolution 69 & Protect Alaska's Wild Animals! ZIP=5 digits. Free Asha From Unnatural Imprisonment at Natural Bridge Zoo End the secrecy and ensure that Bristol University, each year, releases to the public upon request, or on its website, the numbers and types of animals at the laboratories there. Just as the vast majority of other universities in the UK do! US-info. Urgent:  Prevent Wildlife From Being Gunned Down in Their Homes, Oppose S.J. Res. 18! US-info. New Bipartisan Bill Would End Stabbing, Shooting of Animals in Military Training! US. New Sec Interior #RyanZinke arrives at work in DC on horseback. Two tweets.--- Notorious Bastrop kill pen with horrific practices had over 30 horses crammed into too small trailer, headed for slaughter, vehicle wrecked. 20 horses laying in a ditch many fatally injured for 5-7 hours; no mercy. Call the mayor of Bastrop 38 283 3301 Needs more attention. Save the Andean bear from extinction Immediate action needed to end the use of animals in experiments ZIP=5 digits. Tell Congress to Hold USDA Accountable for Animal Welfare Enforcement! ZIP=5 digits. Tell your Senators: Don't give away $800 million to Big Oil Netherlands. Stop the trade in pets Ask West African governments to unite for sustainable fisheries Spain. Apply the trap, neuter, return method to control the colony of Cats in Durango Bizkaia Spain. Lleida City Council and Generalitat de Catalunya. Allow individuals to manage colonies of cats, with food, care and de-sexing, instead of fining them! Prohibition of mutilation of animals for aesthetic purposes
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