ZIP=5 digits. Tell your senators: Don’t re-open the door to gassing wolf pups in
dens or hunting grizzlies from planes, vote No on S.J. Res. 18/H.J. Res.
69!) The Senate has just passed H.J. Resolution 69. This is a terrible sad day for Alaska’s wildlife, a victory for sadists, again
US-info. Urgent call for help: Protect Predators on National Wildlife Refuges in
Alaska! Vote No on S.J. Res. 18/H.J. Res 69!) The Senate has just passed H.J.
Resolution 69.
Please contact the TV networks, newspapers, social media platforms and request
that they broadcast this documentary!
Unfortunately, New Mexico SB 268, the bill that would have banned Coyote killing
contests in New Mexico, failed to get a hearing on the House floor before the
state's legislative session ended this past Saturday! Send a thank you to those
who cosponsored it
Take action against live export
https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/norway_save_the_whales_loc/ Let’s
get to 250,000 sign.
http://www.cyberacteurs.org/cyberactions/consultationsurlaterminologienuisib-1310.html Oppose
the draft amendment to Article R 427-6 of the Environment Code, which provides
for the extension of the classification of "harmful" species for a period of 6
years, with the help of agricultural and hunting circles! No less than 2,000
weasels, 3,000 goats, 17,000 martens, 22,000 badgers and 430,000 foxes are
killed every year in France!
US-info. For new policies to keep our forests standing
More actions
Canada-info. Stand up to protect the Great Northern Forest
Government leaders worldwide: Prohibit the use of neonicotinoids
http://org.salsalabs.com/o/676/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=21444&tag=mining Protect
the Methow Valley from Mining FR: 2016-31746
(69/18 just passed in the Senate...)
https://www.change.org/p/ministerio-del-interior-cambien-la-ley-para-peleas-ilegales-de-perros-penas-de-c%C3%A1rcel-ya Change
the law on illegal dog fights, demanding prison sentences!
https://www.change.org/p/facebook-facebook-debe-dar-opci%C3%B3n-a-denunciar-contenido-que-favorezca-maltrato-animal Facebook,
give the option to report animal abuse
Argentina. Requesting massive canine and feline castrations at the national
https://www.change.org/p/prefeito-sr-caldine-crespo-para-onde-v%C3%A3o-os-animais-abandonados Brazil.
Where do abandoned animals go? Requiring more effective public policies to
combat cases of mistreatment, neglect and other degrading situations!
https://www.change.org/p/procureur-de-la-r%C3%A9publique-fran%C3%A7aise-prot%C3%A9gez-diane-et-ses-chevaux-de-la-haine-de-ses-voisins France.
Protect Diane and her Horses from Hateful Neighbors
Colombia. Stop road construction in the Guaviare jungle!
France. Stop using animals in your TV show
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/712/163/024/ Oppose
SJR 18/HJR 69! Protect Alaska's Native Wildlife (just passed....)
========== News and more
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