Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Petitions and More, March 21

http://ecouprising.blogspot.nl/2017/03/call-to-action-stop-senate-joint-res-18.html?m=1 Please do your part!  Vote is imminent to allow killing of black bear cubs and their mothers, killing of entire wolf families in their dens, using aircraft to chase grizzlies on land and shoot, baiting grizzlies and much much more! Let them know you d
emand a NO vote on Senate Joint Resolution 18!
https://www.facebook.com/events/174856816347622/permalink/192847244548579/ The Senate will be in executive sessions through at least noon tomorrow. The last House Resolution voted on was #42. I would expect that #HJResolution69 will be coming to a floor for a vote within the next few weeks. Please continue to tweet occasionally. The pressure that needs to be kept on the Republican members of the Senate cannot be overemphasized.  Thank you. Tweetsheet here: https://intheshadowofthewolf.wordpress.com/2017/02/27/tweet4wolves-stop-h-j-resolution-69/  (Choose different Senators) To go back, click-right on the top left arrow, choose the tweet sheet again. Remove images: bit.ly
http://www.boycottmexicanshrimp.com/ Urgent. Needs more attention. Only 30 vaquita remain, after suffering decades of decline due to entanglement in shrimp fishing gear! http://www.congressweb.com/awi/150 Help Save the Vaquita: Urge the Mexican Government to ACT!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/soutien-aux-loups-abruzzes/29048 Protest! The Italian government, pushed by farmers raising sheep for their meat, is asking for a new plan to slaughter the wolf in Abruzzo! Confirm please
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/demission-president-directrice-spa-montpellier/28651 Needs more signatures. France. Have the President and the Director of the Montpellier SPA resign!
https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=6891 Tell the Iditarod Trail Committee to end this cruel race
http://wg.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=action_current#.WM_4ftIrI4k Scroll down please. Reject North Fork Mancos Master Development Plan
http://bit.ly/2nDIRAp Russia. Rostov. We demand to appeal the verdict for homeless animals! Apply the catch, neuter and return method!
http://bit.ly/2nvmywn Russia. Demanding a legislative ban on the mass killing of animals!
http://bit.ly/2nZadNx Russia. Torzho region. Request for shelters for homeless animals, activities including: temporary shelter for sick animals to recover and to be adopted; sterilizations  with post-surgical care
https://www.change.org/p/un-hospital-p%C3%BAblico-para-animales-en-montevideo Uruguay. Demanding a Public Hospital for animals in Montevideo
https://www.change.org/p/wie-kann-sowas-sein Germany. How is this possible? Organic goat farm in Brilon / Scharfenberg, still neglect and animal cruelty!
http://bit.ly/2nZbHaG Russia. Do not let millions of homeless kittens die in basements, stop the hate propaganda and contribute to solving the problem of stray animals (by de-sexing campaigns) 
http://bit.ly/2nZsPgA Stop the killing of killer whales/orca's
https://www.change.org/p/departament-d-agricultura-ramaderia-pesca-i-alimentaci%C3%B3-per%C3%ADmetro-de-seguridad-libre-de-caza-alrededor-del-santuario-gaia Spain. Demanding that the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Town Council of Camprodón in Girona establish the necessary protocols that the surroundings of the Gaia Sanctuary are free of hunting!
https://www.change.org/p/gubernur-jawa-tengah-jaga-gunung-lawu-dari-proyek-tak-bermoral Indonesia. Java. No to the immoral project named PLTPB (geothermal power plant) at Mount Lawu;  protect animals, plants and humans!
https://www.change.org/p/no-to-building-on-greenbelt-across-the-united-kingdom No to building on the Greenbelt, keep our wildlife and endangered species safe, and stop conurbations joining together to build a concrete jungle!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/523/550/852/ Demand Tripadvisor to stop promoting Orangutan abuse
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