Monday, March 13, 2017

Petitions and More, March 13 Tweetsheet for Kerala- India’s, Elephants REACH Refit: Demand That Europe Lead the Way in Animal-Free Science Objection to APP-Y3425-W-16-3164617, Rabbit Factory Farming  US-info. The law that protects Bears Ears in Utah, Gold Butte in Nevada and Cascade-Siskiyou in Oregon, iconic treasures, is under attack! No to global arbitration! Reject the plans of the EU Commission to set up a "Multilateral Investment Court". We do Not need a consolidation of paralleljustiz for corporations, but their End! Do Not conclude new trade and investment agreements with special rights for corporations, and abolish these also in existing agreements!
The Romanian parliament and citizens prevented gold mining and pollution with 240,000 tons of cyanide! (by Gabriel Resources from Canada), in Transylvania. Now, this mining company is complaining about economic damages before the World Bank's arbitration court, demanding four billion dollars from Romania! The EU Commission wants to cement the controversial paralleljustice (for companies) in the TTIP and CETA: with an exclusive court for (company) group actions! The undemocratic parallel justice is to become part of every further trade agreement. Protest! To confirm Russia. Request for a public network of shelters for homeless animals across Russia where they are not simply euthanized, but given a chance at a new life Stop animals from dying in the Brinkmann dogpound, CBA, Argentina! Municipal Intendant of Brinkmann, Dr. Gustavo Tevez, decided from 06-02-2017 on, to restrict the entrance to the dogpound where we helped the animals; it's overcrowded, and dogs are not protected! He continues to catch helpless dogs! Demanding punishment for Kumamoto prefectural animal management center who killed 14 lost cats against all rules and without permission, after the earthquake ! Ukraine. Take this sadist, murdering an innocent dog on the market of Sumy, Olexandr Sych, in custody and don't delay the criminal proces! Scroll down for English text Turkey. Give animal victims a voice, against the violence (on social media)! Aim: to stop or prevent future animal abuses/cruelty; by signing our petition you agree to help our fundraising activity......? Support a sun-powered Queensland and protect our climate and reef
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