Friday, March 31, 2017

Petitions and More, March 31 Tweetstorm! Please join and share! Copy/paste the Dutch letter (scroll down), send. Use Fb, Twitter Copy/paste Japanese letter to send/post online. Use Fb, Twitter  More media contacts. Ongoing Virtual Worldwide Media Appeal to Stop This Evil Trade  Michael Kors and CEO of the company, stop selling all fur now  Call and write your legislators in the House and Senate and tell them to vote against the bear hunt bill and that you want bears in Connecticut left alone
If not signed yet US-info. Urge Your Representative to Help End Orca Captivity  King Mohammed VI, give the immediate order to stop the systematic massacres of stray dogs in Morocco! Spain. Náquera. Justice for the 3 cats from a controlled colony, shot to death! Mexico. Mtro.Guillermo Hopkins Gámez. Director de la Casa de Moneda. The kittens have disappeared before we could trap them. Stop your cruel methods towards animals, violating the law and violating life! Argentina.  Chivilcoy. Our dogs have disappeared. We want to hear about the 'commitment' of the municipality for stray animals! Argentina. Municipality of Juarez Celman. We want a chance to save abandoned/stray dogs! Spain. Granada. We demand the help of the city council of Granada to yield land to the association Animal Awareness Granada in order to be able to care for injured and abandoned animals Brazil. City Hall of São Paulo. Improve the lives of our abandoned animals! We urge Morocco to immediately ban illegal animal slaughter, including donkeys and horses Spain. Protest! The Andalusian Hunting Federation, the Spanish Association of Rehalas and the Association of Hunting Lands, is promoting an administrative file in order to obtain the declaration as a Property of Cultural Interest of the 'monterías and rehalas', as well as its subsequent inclusion in the General Catalog of the Historical Heritage of Andalusia! Disapprove! Argentina. Transfer the 2 female bears in the Mendoza zoo to a suitable reserve! Spain. Town Hall of Tudela de Duero. Protest against the abuse of power, apply the same rules/laws for everyone
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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Petitions and More, March 30   Scroll down, copy /paste the letter to president Trump in  ! 
Next: Tweetsheet  !  (To go back to the Tweetsheet, right-click on the upper left arrow and choose it again)  Protect Animals with the Animal Charter of Rights and Freedoms! We are calling on the OIE (World Animal Health Organisation) to oppose live animal export globally ! More alerts (if not signed yet) Scroll down please, take action, speak out on the Super Highway again. Nigeria. The superhighway will be rerouted away from the Ekuri community forest. Cross River gorilla habitat is no longer threatened, but habitat for vulnerable species like chimpanzees, forest elephants, and pangolins continues to be threatened! Shocking images! Help us put an end to cruelty to animals   Request for the final end of the Yulin, China, Dogmeat ‘festival’! Confirm Requesting a Municipal By-Law to Stop the Use of Pesticides by Farmers in France US-info. Don’t Let Congress Dismantle the Endangered Species Act  ZIP=4 digits. Limited. Save Our Marine Sanctuaries WWF, publicly end your contract with Tassal Abolish the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ! Mexico.  San Luis Potosí. Demanding respect for living beings and severe punishment for abusers and murderers Mexico. Michoacan. Justice for the ‘blue’ dog, painted, stabbed and thrown into an alcove! Mexico. Stop the barbarie towards our animals, committed by 'spring-breakers', students from the US! Japan. Towards zero killing of dogs and cats Venezuela. Prevent Ruperta and other animals from starvation, and improve their current situation!  Venezuelea. Let's save elephant Ruperta! Give her a better life Stand With Us Against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival! Save Chimpanzees and Forest Elephants. Stop This Dangerous Nigerian Superhighway! Tell President Trump to Prioritize Our Planet's Future Stand Strong Against Trump's Dismantling of the EPA
             =========  News and more   ========= Vote Non please! Animal suffering: do you think abattoir practices have improved?


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Petitions and More, March 29  Ongoing Virtual Worldwide Media Appeal to Stop This Evil Trade ZIP=5 digits. Checkerboard Wild Horse Removal: Oppose the Proposed Action outlined in the Scoping Notice that calls for removing Wild Horses to reach the low “Appropriate” Management Level (AML) of just 1,276 wild horses on 2.4 million acres of land! Deadline: April 4th. Or send an email to !  Urgent! No to the destruction of the Beaver family at the Walibi amusement park, Belgium, near Brussels! Confirm please France. Request for a Cat rescue license in Gatineau. To confirm ZIP=5 digits. Protect the Methow Headwaters from mining threats A merger between Bayer and Monsanto would be catastrophic for our farmers and fatal for nature and biodiversity! Needs 100,000 sign. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram  Spain. Cartagena.Return the 6 cats of the Colonia del Foro Romano, legally there since 2012, sterilized and treated! Spain. Suspend the contract with the company Recolte in Nuevo Baztan, a company known for it’s massive killings also of healthy animals! Spain. Barcelona. Requesting decent management in the dogpound CCAAC Barcelonés; No to a company accused of carrying out mass killings in another municipality! Requesting a Law in Ecuador that makes it possible to penalize people who mistreat animals Argentina. Concordia needs castration and sterilisation programs!  President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, express the revolt of the Portuguese against the dog meat festival in Yulin, China! More signatures please. Save Horses from being cruely slaughtered! Kentucky legislature setting the stage for the slaughter of horses with SB139 ! Horses are Not livestock, but domestic animals! Needs more signatures, urgent. Demand Safe Relocation of 20 Year+ Cat Colony & Prosecute Trafficking, Vandalism, updates
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

German Olympic Sports Confederation (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund): Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog Meat Trade!

Post your letter under:  (refresh Captcha) To post a copy of your letter
Twitter: .@pyeongchang2018 .@iocmedia .@DOSB Take a stand in Pyeongchang2018 against dog & cat meat cruelty!
Subject: German Olympic Sports Confederation (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund): Take a stand in PyeongChang2018 against Dog Meat Trade!
Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund:
PyeongChang, Südkorea, sind Gastgeber der Olympischen Winterspielen 2018. Ein internationales Zusammenkommen von Ausleseathleten, Sportanhänger, Regierungen und Geschäftsleuten. Eine solch großartige Skala ist eine einzigartige Plattform, für einen bedeutungsvollen Aufstand gegen den weit verurteilten, barbarischen und unmenschlichen Hund- und Katzenfleischhandel in Südkorea zu erheben.
Wir wissen, dass Sie beschäftigt sind, sich auf diese epische Sportveranstaltung vorzubereiten. Jedoch benötigen wir nur ein paar Minuten Ihrer Zeit. Bitte schauen Sie sich dieses Video an. Fühlen Sie mit den Tieren mit. Sie müssen zugeben dass die aktuelle Praxis und Einstellung von denjenigen, die an dieser mittelalterlichen Industrie beteiligt sind, völlig unannehmbar und abscheulich sind!
Kein Wesen verdient solch eine gewaltvolles dasein vom Moment seiner Geburt an. Qualvoll werden sie geschlachtet; Hunde (unsere besten Freunde) sind eingesperrt in kleinen, rostigen, Käfigen ohne Schutz vor Wärme oder Kälte. Sie haben keinen Zugang zu Wasser, Essen oder ärztlicher Behandlung.
Ihre Trommelfelle werden häufig gesprengt, um sie davon abzuhalten, zu bellen. Sie werden häufig vor anderen lebenden Hunden gekocht, gehängt, geprügelte, enthäutet oder lebendig verbrannt im Glauben, dass der Geschmack Ihres Fleisches sich dadurch verbessern wird. Können Sie sich dieses Ereignis bei Ihrem besten Freund vorstellen?
Diese Industrie ist keineswegs ein kleines Geschäft, Tausende über Tausende von Hunden sind in den Fabriken in Käfigen gestapelt, es gibt keine grundlegendsten und preiswertesten humane Landwirtschaftsmethoden in diesem Handle. Dieser Handel hat keine Basis in der Förderung “der Kultur” oder Tradition der koreanischen Leute, es wird durch Habgier und die Gewinne gesteuert.
Bitte schauen Sie nicht in die andere Richtung, bitte sehen Sie dieses Thema nicht als "kulturellen Unterschied",wir machen Sie auf dieses Thema aufmerksam und appellieren an ihr Mitgefühl. Es gibt viele Wege Ihre Stimme für diese Tiere einzusetzen. Für einen Wechsel in Südkorea.
Diese Petition ist nur ein Anfang, wir fordern Sie auf, Ihre Stimme zu Sozialen Netzwerken und anderen Kampagnen hinzuzufügen. Nutzen Sie diese einmalige Gelegenheit, das Leben so vieler Hunde und Katzen, die zu einem Leben im Fleischhandel verdammt sind, zu verändern. Wenn Südkorea weiß, dass die Welt zusieht und nach Veränderung verlangt, und wenn Südkorea als eine Nation des Gewissens respektiert werden will, müssen die Südkoreaner ihre abgründigen und veralteten Tierschutzgesetze ändern und den Hunde- und Katzenkonsum dauerhaft verbieten.
Bitte helfen Sie uns, diese Änderung zu bewirken!


The British Olympic Association: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade! To post a copy of your letter
Twitter:  .@pyeongchang2018 .@iocmedia .@BBCNews .@TeamGB Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog & cat meat cruelty!
Subject: The British Olympic Association: Take a stand in PyeongChang 2018 against the dog and cat meat trade!
The British Olympic Association (BOA)
60 Charlotte Street, London W1T 2NU
United Kingdom
Dear The British Olympic Association:
PyeongChang, South Korea, set to play host to the world in the 2018 Winter Olympics. An international gathering of elite athletes, sports fans, governments and businesses on such a grand scale is a unique platform for taking a meaningful stand against the widely condemned, barbaric and inhumane dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.
We know you are busy preparing for this epic sporting event. However, we urge you to spare just a few minutes of your time to watch this video, as fellow people with compassion for animals, whether they are raised for our consumption or as our companions, working partners and guardians, we know you will agree that the current practice and attitude of those involved in this medieval industry is completely unacceptable and abhorrent.
No living being deserves such a torturous existence. Forced to endure the most extreme deprivation and unimaginable torment from the moment they are born until the day they are brutally slaughtered; dogs (our best friends) are battery farmed - imprisoned in cramped, rusty, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme elements.
They have no access to water, exercise, or medical care. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking. Until, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten skinned or burnt alive in the ignorant belief that such suffering will improve their taste. Could you imagine this happening to your best friend?
This industry is by no means small scale, thousands upon thousands of dogs are factory farmed in this way every day, there is no emphasis on even the most basic and cheapest humane farming methods in this operation. This trade has no basis in promoting "culture" or tradition of the Korean people, it is purely driven by greed and the profits that can be made in this severely under-regulated, tax free sector which in itself is highly unsanitary and a severe risk to both human and animal health.
Please do not look the other way, please do not see this issue as a 'cultural difference', we urge you to look at this issue with unbridled compassion and to use whatever means or methods you can to add your voice to the many already calling for change in south Korea.
This petition is just a start, we urge you to add your voice to social media and other campaigns. Please use this unique opportunity to help change the lives of so many dogs and cats condemned to a life in the meat trade. If South Korea knows the world is watching and is asking for change, and if South Korea wants to be respected as a nation of conscience, South Koreans need to strengthen their abysmal and outdated animal welfare laws and permanently ban dog and cat consumption. Please help us to bring about this change!
An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
The favor of your reply is requested.
Thank you,


Petitions and More, March 28 Call Senator Flake today and tell him to abandon this Mexican wolf extinction bill! NM. Support SB 286 to end deadly trapping and poisoning of wildlife on New Mexico’s public lands, SB 266 to provide a more adequate and flexible system for the protection of New Mexico’s wildlife, and SB 268 to end coyote killing contests on New Mexico’s public lands! Indonesia, the jungles of western Sungai Putri, one of the last retreats for Borneos Orangutans. A wood company wants to turn this into plantations for the paper industry!  Ask Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to end the Seal slaughter once and for all! Once more. Protest against the brutal massacre of baby harp Seals in Canada Against the slaughter of bears and wolves in Alaska! Confirm please  France. Meurthe et Moselle. Against Dog fighting! Once more. Tell Congress to Defund Taxpayer-Funded Dog Abuse in Government Labs! UK-info. Keep the ban on bee-killing pesticides Meals On Wheels Is A Crucial Service For Pets And Their Humans  Russia. Stop the killing of Dogs in Dagestan! Incl. English text  Russia. Stop the shooting of stray dogs in Voronezh!  Russia. Fashion without propagation of natural fur and leather!  Russia. Vidnoe. Punishment for the cruel treatment of animals (horses) Russia. Leningrad region. Save the last four Zubro-buffalo in Toksovo Russia. Protest. Domodedovo Airport, leaking fuel into the river in the village Istomiha near houses, killing wildlife End the commercial seal slaughter in Canada! Tell Your Governor: Protect The West Against Trump Administration Attacks on Conservation
             =========   News and more     =========  US. Program Data Report G - 2016 Animals Dispersed / Killed or Euthanized / Removed or Destroyed / Freed


Monday, March 27, 2017

Lynnwood, Sister city with Damyang, S. Korea  S. Korea, to post a copy of the letter
Twitter:  .@damyanggun .@greenjeonnam .@lynnwood .@mayor_nicola Plz Urge Sister City Damyang, S.Korea-Stop torture/eating dogs
Subject: Lynnwood,  Sister city with Damyang, S. Korea
Dear Mayor Smith.
Dear  City Council members.
According to the Korean Governor's Association database, Damyang became Sister city with Lynnwood in 2016.
Dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that city, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law – but the laws are not enforced.
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress.
For your information:
They cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your city wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue, and not want to be affiliated with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Damyang, especially Mayor Hyung-Sik Choi , to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this so often concealed subject, thank you.


Petitions and More, March 27

----------------------- Needs 50,000 sign. Speak up for Cats. Help change the law on air gun ownership in England and Wales! Request to modify the bill of 'protection of life and welfare of companion animals' of the Galician Autonomous Government, Spain. We want to have the right to feed and assist "wandering" animals, in controlled areas, as required by law; to be able to continue feeding, caring for and collecting "stray" cats and dogs! Spain. Justice for 2,865 Dogs and Cats who suffered and died in the facilities of Animal park, Parque Animal Torremolinos, and prosecute Carmen Marín Aguilar and Felipe Barco, also for fraude! Spain. Town Hall Torremolinos: remove the rule to fine people who take care of cats with 250 Euro's! Incl. English. Say No to the Centre Party's, Senterpartiet, proposal to prohibit rescued dogs access to Norway; yes to tighter restrictions! Russia. Against the loss of biodiversity in the Russian Federation! Save the endangered animals! France. Protest! Mauguio, municipality of the Hérault, continues to practice the barbarity of the bullfights and other "bullfighting games", novilladas etc ...! Spain. Protest! The Junta de Andalucía considers La Malagueta as a Property of Cultural Interest, the place where Bulls are tortured to death! Spain. Eliminate the "Tendido cero" program with Bullfighting from TVE2! South Africa: Protect Rhinos from Poaching - Don’t Legalize the Trade of Rhino Horn! Ask your MP to strengthen laws to protect puppies. Needs more signatures  Support a Ban on the Sale of Puppy Mill Dogs at Pet Stores
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