Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Petitions and More, March 23


https://r.newsletter.koreandogs.org/ajnoboodtht7e.html  To take action for S. Korean dogs, to email, file an e-People petition, tweet, or post on Fb pages
https://animaljusticeproject.com/missing-take-action/  Help rabbits used in cruel experiments
https://animaljusticeproject.com/uni-watch-nottingham/  Exposing animal experiments at Nottingham University
https://action.foe.org/page/27706/action/1 Demand Congress pass the Arctic Refuge Protection Act!
https://act.stand.earth/page/27705/petition/1 Tell the Dept. of Ecology: Stop cruise ships from dumping toxic fossil fuel wastes in Puget Sound!
https://environmentnewjersey.webaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/  Reminder. Tell NOAA: Save our right whales from ship strikes
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/urgence-stop-maltraitance-animale-dom-tom/131485   Stop the severe animal abuse and neglect in the Dom-Tom! These Islands are under French authority and the laws passed by the government must be applied without exception! To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/massacre-dauphins-communs-france-assez/131539 Every year, the French beaches of the Atlantic coast are the scene of a sad  massacre  : hundreds of common dolphins are found stranded dead, caused by accidental catches in the nets  of fishing vessels. To confirm
https://act.ejfoundation.org/de/blue-carbon  If not signed yet. The restoration and protection of marine habitats must go hand in hand with an ambitious policy towards full decarbonisation in all sectors
https://weact.campact.de/petitions/giftexporte-stoppen  It's a shameless business: German chemical companies such as Bayer and BASF export pesticides to Africa, Asia and Latin America that are so dangerous that they are banned in the EU!
https://act.ran.org/page/27678/action/1   Send a message this World Water Day, and tell Chase to #DefundLine3.

https://bit.ly/318gwEc Ukraine. For the transfer of the bear Yuri from the hotel "Bayka" to the rehabilitation center
https://bit.ly/3rcdaKI Turkey. Our Support for the Hunger Strike for the Law Advocating Animal Rights Continues
https://bit.ly/3lMx9ib Let's save the shelter for the affected wild birds and animals in the city of Togliatti!
https://www.change.org/p/prefeito-de-petropolis-scretaria-do-bem-estar-animal Mayor of Petrópolis: create an Animal Welfare Department
https://bit.ly/3fhZ0FZ Russia. We demand to dismiss the director of the Losiny Ostrov National Park Rustam Yakubov. Sika deer, elk, wild boars are being killed at feeding grounds, deforestation increases
https://bit.ly/2PlIVDV Ban markets where animals are traded
https://www.change.org/p/monsieur-le-procureur-de-la-r%C3%A9publique-du-havre-pour-le-retrait-des-animaux-tortur%C3%A9s-par-mme-c-au-havre  Remove the other animals kept by convicted Mrs. C. who is not allowed to keep animals anymore (Dexters case)!
https://bit.ly/3scNLSJ Novosibirsk, Pets and their owners need an equipped dog walking area

https://www.thepetitionsite.com/nl-nl/638/824/677/testpetition/ Demand The City of Los Angeles Reinstate The Animal Cruelty Task Force!

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