Monday, March 1, 2021

Petitions and More, March 1  Stop the illegal dog and cat meat trades!   Reminder, Moving Forward: Our Wild Horses Take Action  to send this message directly President Biden and Vice President Harris. Tell the DOI: Stop Big Oil from wiping out polar bears in the Arctic!  Tweets, the massacre of Wisconsins Wolves!  Tweets, McDonalds and animal welfare....  Tweetsheet for Lucy, Canada We the undersigned want an immediate stop to the culling of feral and possibly owned cats on the estate! Prohibition of Ownership for life should be the sentence for perpetrators of horrendous crimes against the voiceless animals in Pennsylvania! Sabadell City Council  Demanding- Immediate intervention for rescue, veterinary care, sterilization and location of the many cats accumulated by a person over 90 years old without any contacts, and care for this person Bill 688/2020, State of São Paulo, to raise awareness against abandonment and mistreatment of animals, was approved by the Legislative Assembly (Alesp) on Dec.16. However, until now, it awaits the sanction of Governor João Dória to be able to enter into force! Concello de Ourense, in just 15 days, baits have appeared in the Mao river, Oira, the Salesianos dog park, under the Millennium Bridge and on the promenade that goes to the Outariz hot springs. We cannot allow this to continue to happen!   Close this puppy mill/breeder, Ladridos bcn, 18 dead puppies were found,  many sick animals  It is currently illegal for your dog to defend themselves, yourself, your family and your home in Australia!
Germany. We call on the members of the Bundestag to redesign the draft of the Federal Hunting Act amendment in line with animal welfare and constitutional compliance with the Basic Law in the interests of animal welfare! For the NGO Arcanjos, a dog and cat rescuer/ caregiver in Bom Jesus da Lapa-Bahia to have their own headquarters City hall: Help is needed for stray animals dying of hunger, thirst and being run over in Bom Despacho, MG. Create vaccination,  spay and neuter and adoption programs!
For Mass Spay and Neuter campaigns in Buenos Aires/ Vte. Lopez For free rabies vaccination campaigns to return,  the expansion of free spay and neuter, and also the use of mandatory chips Prado, south of Bahia, Costa das Baleias.Due to the lack of a municipal shelter and effective spaying campaigns, the cat population, mainly, has been multiplying precipitously Germany. Introduce an environmental tax for corporations based on the damage they cause
Stop using Nobivac for cats Italy. Municipality of Vasto. Volunteers demand a protected shelter for cats   Italy.  The Emilia Romagna Region has resolved to move the fallow deer of the Classe pine forest to private farms; we demand that the fallow deer are neither moved nor killed; and apply road safety constructions! For a law that covers the entire country with the ban on animal-drawn vehicles. The Federal Constitution saves animals from the practice of ill-treatment, as well as criminalizing such conduct Unesco declare the Archipelago of Los Roques,to be a World Heritage in danger This belongs to all Venezuelans and we cannot allow indiscriminate use, illegal constructions   India. Nylon manja is killing birds and causing accidents. Is it possible for us to change this and aim for a Nylon Manja Free Sankrant 2023 ?
In Spain, dogs over 10Kg cannot travel on Renfe trains, which forces owners to use private transport to get around.   Asking for changes

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