Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Petitions and More, March 2


https://koreandogs.org/imagine-your-korea/  Call for action!  Imagine your Korea is official Facebook page of Korea Tourism Organization (KTO, South Korea’s government agency promoting tourism)
https://r.newsletter.koreandogs.org/ajgaucodtht7e.html  More actions to take (to tweet, scroll down on the pages) 
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=178222330773909&id=100057584287227&comment_id=178226704106805 Send a message to Brigitte Bardot about the continuing massacre of dogs in Azerbaijan
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/arretez-abattages-sauvages-ensanglantent-semaine-nos/128758 France. Corsica. Stop the illegal bloody, savage slaughter of calves and cattle, this happens every week!  To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/fermez-marche-aux-chiens-chats-autres/128923  Close the market for dogs, cats, and other animals in Oujda (Morocco)
https://headlines.peta.org/end-animal-experiments-colleges-universities/  Urge numerous colleges and universities to do the right thing by ending cruel tests on animals and focusing on humane, animal-free research methods!
https://e-activist.com/page/70199/action/1?ea.tracking.id=facebook   UK-ZIP. Ask your MP to sign Early Day Motion 256 on Accelerating Human Relevant Life Sciences in the UK for cruelty free research
https://igualdadanimal.org/actua/transporte-animales For an end to the export of live animals
https://www.drove.com/campaign/6037e54388fec3ecba0e52a6?utm_medium=facebook&skey=.2efA Stop the opening of a new slaughterhouse at the site of Ryding Regency Slaughterhouse in Toronto
https://action.foe.org/page/27089/action/1?ea.tracking.id=Email&ea.url.id=773195 Demand orcas be protected from cruise ship pollution!
https://takeaction.oceanconservancy.org/page/76926/action/1  Reminder. Tell your Senators to vote YES and nominate Representative Haaland as Secretary of the Interior. We need to have a champion for Indigenous communities, the ocean, the environment and the planet in the Department of the Interior.
https://www.ariwa.org/petition/ Germany. The Garmisch-Partenkirchen district plans to protect the cultural landscape there as a Unesco World Heritage Site  and wants to include combined housing /tethering, of cattle! Say no

https://www.change.org/p/animal-and-plant-welfare-agency-end-defra-stalemate-to-save-bosnia-street-dogs 1000s of Bosnian Street Dogs Dying in Animal Welfare Crisis As DEFRA Refuse To Confirm Essential Transport Papers Meet Post-Brexit Rules!
https://bit.ly/3r75lXv Russia. Administration of the city of Ryazan and the region, give the shelter status to the MBU "City Service for the Control of Neglected Animals" and allocate the necessary funding now! The MBU has now 650 dogs for treatment, vaccination, sterilization and adaptation for subsequent return to the city
https://www.change.org/p/animal-control-saving-the-cows   Save the cows and calves in Southington
https://www.change.org/p/pati-castraci%C3%B3n-masiva-en-el-distrito-de-lincoln   For free mass spay and neuter in the Lincoln district
https://www.change.org/p/dsc-arminia-bielefeld-arminia-bielefeld-beendigung-des-sponsorings-durch-das-unternehmen-t%C3%B6nnies  Germany. The sponsorship / partnership between DSC Arminia Bielefeld and the cruel Tönnies slaughterhouse is not compatible with the external values ​​of the sports club!
https://www.change.org/p/be-part-of-the-new-dugong-story-we-call-on-the-japanese-government-to-release-the-recordings-of-dugong-calls Against landfilling Henoko-Oura Bay, Okinawa, Japan. The Japanese gov. has stated in its Environment Impact Studies that Dugongs rarely use this area, and that if any dugong is present in the construction area, construction will be stopped at least temporarily for further review. Release the sound recordings!
https://bit.ly/3uMeR4A  Japan. Approve the new FIP drug Mutian for cats
No to the mine in the Beigua Regional Natural Park
No to the gold mine in Temixco, Morelos

https://www.thepetitionsite.com/915/119/067/demand-an-end-to-the-unjustified-killing-of-cougars-in-klickitat-county-washington/  In less than a year, over 20 cougars have been killed in Klickitat County, guilty of nothing more than existing in their native habitat!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/273/511/090/  End The Abuse of Elephants: Refuse To Ride


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