Saturday, December 22, 2018

Petitions and More, Dec. 22 Anti-Fur tweets. By Selling Fur you're Promoting and Profiting off Participating in Animal Cruelty!  Tweets. In China millions of dogs and cats are tortured to be eaten. Please speak out and do Not participate in the World Dog Show 2019 in China! Tweets. To celebrities about the World Dog Show 2019 in China and the dog and cat meat trade! US-info. Senator, Support the Primate Protection and Research Modernization Act of 2018 (S. 3773)! US-info. Reminder. Oppose the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S. 1113)! US-info. Reminder. Support the Humane Cosmetics Act (H.R. 2790)! Thank the Chief of Emergency Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Richard E. Wolfe, M.D., for ending the use of live sheep to train emergency medicine residents!  Michigan residents. Gov. Snyder, please Veto House Bills 5916 and 5917, which would support cruel puppy mills and prohibit localities from enacting ordinances to restrict the retail sale of inhumanely bred companion animals! 1) Support Singapore's Proposed Ivory Ban  2) Mt Barker Chicken Free-Range Fraud Send an instant message to the NDP government, demanding they take immediate action to protect old-growth! Argentina. No to killing dogs or any other animal in the street (for obstructing traffic and breaking up garbage bags...), instead take measures for care and health (castrations). Improve and respect the National Law 14.346 /54 ! Turkey. We demand the opening of the temporary care and rehabilitation center in the municipality of Tekirdağ -Kapaklı Argentina. San Pedro Pcia. Bs.As. Justice for Chocolate, skinned and thrown back in her garden! Investigate and punish under Law 14346: applies to the entire nation and is considered a criminal offense for abuse and cruelty to animals!  Russia. Voronezh. Justice for this neglected, abused dog, charge the owners under the law on criminal responsibility! Turkey. Bosphorus University Hisar Campus: support stray animal feeding points and housing, avoid these inhumane situations this winter Immediate dismissal of  Guàrdia Urbana agents involved in killing Sota Spain. Protest! Catalonia, especially the Montsià region, south of Tarragona, hundreds of thousand-year-old olive trees are being uprooted to decorate gardens in distant regions! Stop backfilling part of Kultuchnoye Lake in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and save the fauna and flora
                                                          ==========   News and more  =========
-  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  !  Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now more than 2304560 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 2304532 votes now. Every 24 hours
-  Changed, please vote for Nr. 1 now, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than 3498875 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours ------------- Norway, Poll, scroll down please, vote as often as possible:  Should it be permitted to hunt for Wolves in Ulvesona? Vote/Stem Nei =No please  (48% at this moment!) ! They are near extinction!

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