- http://koreandogs.org/Goryeong/
Goryeong, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and
markets! Send an email, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on message
Example letter and comment in Korean)
- http://koreandogs.org/Yeongyang/
Yeongyang, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses
and markets! Send an email, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on
Examples in Korean)
- http://koreandogs.org/Seongju/
Seongju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and
markets! Send a postal letter, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on
- http://koreandogs.org/Cheongdo/
Cheongdo, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and
markets! Send a postal letter, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on
- http://koreandogs.org/yeongdeok/
Yeongdeok, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses
and markets! Send a postal letter, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on
S. Korea. National petition and proposal. Scroll down to the number of
signatures showing. ‘The dog, hammered on it's head at the slaughterhouse,
sprang out for a while and succumbed to her cub next to her’. Those people who
kill dogs are less than beasts! Sign in with your Fb, Twitter or Naver account,
and add: I agree! (After signing, this message will appear: Do you wonder about
my precious petition, answer to the Blue House?) If using your Naver account,
confirm afterwards please
Tweets to the members of the
#Agriculture_Food_Rural_Affairs_Oceans_and_Fisheries_Committee of S. Korea
urging them to pass the proposed amendment, the
#Random_Slaughter_Act_of_Dogs_and_Cats by Congressman Changwon Pyo, and take
action on the Fb links!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971200979874752/permalink/2150165575311624/ Tweets.
S. Korea. To the members of the Environment and Labor Committee of S. Korea,
urging them to pass the proposed amendment, the #Food_Waste_Management_Act by
Congresswoman JungAe Han which would undoubtedly shut down the #DogMeatTrade
Tweets for celebrities about the World Dog Show and dog and cat meat trade.
#China to host #WorldDogShow2019 but these dogs on the video won't be there.
They will be skinned & blowtorched...while alive
Media Tweets Asking Them To Report/Ask China to Close the Illegal Bear Farms
& Restaurants Serving Bear Dishes, Paws Cut Off while Still Alive!
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=524937404650920&set=a.104104623400869&type=3&theater As
Leave a comment on these Media Fb pages, Bear paws cut off while still alive!
Leave a comment on these Media Fb pages, Bear paws cut off while still alive!
Media Tweets. Ask China to close Illegal Bear farms and Restaurants Serving
Dishes of Bears massacred alive!
Reminder. US-info. Opposing the change made in Bureau of Land Management policy
that now enables a buyer to purchase 24 wild horses or burros with no specified
wait time between purchases!
Reminder. Urgent: President Trump and Secretary Zinke racing to drill in the
Arctic and harm Beluga whales
Tell Your Senators: The Next Interior Secretary Must Protect Our Public Lands,
Not Sell Them Out to Big Oil!
Canada Goose, you suck!
If not signed yet. France: End the policy laxity fueled by hunting lobbies
serving only special interests, reform hunting licenses so hunters have to
comply with modern security requirements, in the interest of all. To
Demand DOI protect the Big Hole River and all of its wildlife from Big Oil
Government of Cameroon, uncontrolled mining creates severe environmental damage
in the regions of Betaré-Oya, Ngoura, Ngoyla and Moloundou in eastern
Congolese Government, and particularly the Permanent Interministerial Commission
for the Economy, Finance and Reconstruction (ECOFIRE), put an end to the
process of decommissioning national parks and UNESCO sites and make every effort
to finalize international commitments on climate, forest and biodiversity
Ban animal glue traps. To confirm
https://secure.petaindia.com/page/35699/tweet/1 Tweet
Before 27 December to Help Get Animal Circuses Banned in India
Indonesia, stop the dogcatchers, close the slaughterhouses, stop the dogmeat
Demanding that the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran initiates an investigation
and takes appropriate preventive measures to prevent the continuation of the
poisoning of cats: surveillance, protocols, sanctions and monitoring by the
Local Police now!
https://bit.ly/2R3mwLb Russia. Administration
of Volgograd, please provide (financial and other) assistance for the animal
orphanage "Tail House"; 3 volunteers ensure the existence of more than 250
abandoned animals, they feed, treat and care for them from early morning until
late at night, every day
Indonesia. Enforce Wildlife Conservation, it is
the responsibility and obligation of the Government and society under the
law. Urgently review this Law and add strict actions to be taken against
perpetrators of crimes towards animals!
https://www.change.org/p/unesco-a-la-unesco-no-a-la-tauromaquia-como-bien-inmaterial-9faef275-1c4c-40be-968c-c4f8643089e0 Unesco
(Organization of the UN of education, science and culture), do Not include
bullfighting as an intangible asset and intervene for its prohibition and
https://www.change.org/p/asociaci%C3%B3n-m%C3%A9xico-antitaurino-proh%C3%ADban-las-corridas-de-toros-en-la-plaza-de-toros-m%C3%A9xico Prohibit
bullfighting in the Plaza de Toros Mexico
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-villamalea-no-a-la-macrogranja-de-cerdos-en-villamalea-albacete No
to the macro farm factory with pigs in Villamalea (Albacete)
https://www.change.org/p/gobierno-central-de-el-salvador-que-se-cumpla-la-ley-de-protecci%C3%B3n-animal-en-el-salvador Comply
with the Animal Protection Law in El Salvador
Torrejón de Ardoz. Requesting the closure of Maikan 'kennel' and the criminal
conviction for Mr. José Luis the owner
Spain. Barcelona. Requesting the resignation of Albert Alfaro for capturing
pigeons with trap cages in Masnou: the capture and killing of pigeons is
expressly prohibited in its legal system
Indonesian Broadcasting Commission. Stop events that do not educate but destroy
the public's respect for animals
Indonesia. Stop the Owl Exploitation in Sieng Dieng Crater Area
(destructive algae bloom)
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/nl-nl/takeaction/940/083/973/ Stop
the programs on channel ViaSat Explore that promote hunting in general, and more
specifically archery hunting
No official target
========== News and more =========
- http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm China. First click on
the Upper Box at your RIGHT! Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2 ! Nr. 1: NPC deputies
suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals.
Now more than 2271188 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly
fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 2271113 votes now. Every 24 hours
- http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm Changed, please vote
for Nr. 1 now, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on
the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than
3465756 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for
public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------
Norway, Poll, scroll down please, vote as often as possible: Should it be
permitted to hunt for Wolves in Ulvesona? Vote/Stem Nei =No please (only 35% at
this moment!) ! They are near extinction!
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