- http://koreandogs.org/Jangseong/
Jangseong, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses
and markets! Send an email, tweet, post on their Fb pages or click on
( https://www.facebook.com/anneke.andries1/posts/10205077410011227
example letter and comment in Korean)
- http://koreandogs.org/Yeonggwang/
Yeonggwang, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses
and markets! Send a postal letter, tweet, post a comment on their Fb pages
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971200979874752/permalink/2146927428968772/ Tweets,
new. To the members of the
#Agriculture_Food_Rural_Affairs_Oceans_and_Fisheries_Committee of S. Korea
urging them to pass the proposed amendment, the
#Random_Slaughter_Act_of_Dogs_and_Cats by Congressman Changwon Pyo! And please
send (another) email/fax!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971200979874752/permalink/2145977205730461/ Tweets.
Stop the Dog meat trade, S. Korea!
Tweets. Vietnam, Cats waiting for their turn to be slaughtered and cooked!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971200979874752/permalink/2146915945636587/ Tweets
to celebrities, China Shanghai will host the World Dog Show 2019. But these dogs
on the video won't be there. They will be skinned & blowtorched...
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971200979874752/permalink/2146628458998669/ Christmas
tweets to the cat meat eating nations
Tweets against live exports and 2 other tweets
https://www.soidog.org/de/Petitions/SaveChinaDogs Needs
100,000 signatures
Enact the Farm Bill to protect animals! US, call! A deal has been reached on the
Farm Bill that does right by animals! The package OMITS Representative Steve
King's amendment—which threatened to gut countless state and local animal
protection laws—and includes these three vital pro-animal measures: Pet and
Women Safety (PAWS) Act; Parity in Animal Cruelty Enforcement (PACE) Act; Dog
and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act !
US calls needed. H.R. 1494, the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, the
PACT Act, is a strongly bipartisan bill, with 282 cosponsors, still needs to
pass the House!
Scroll down please, send a letter, or post on Fb, tweets provided
https://aldf.org/issue/stop-the-hunt/ Stop
canned hunting and trophy hunting! https://aldf.org/issue/stop-the-hunt-permits/ Please
oppose, change message (slightly)
https://www.veto-tierschutz.de/petitionen/ Petitions,
if not signed yet
http://www.sacrificiocero.com/ Sign
for a Sacrificio Cero, Zero killing policy in all dogpounds in Mexico
Google is currently developing a censored search engine for China
https://support.peta.org/page/7639/action/1 Reminder.
Cruel and Unscientific: NIH Plans to Use More Marmosets in Experiments
Over 49,000 Unwanted Hens Beaten and/or Gassed
To sign. Selmi, owner of the brands Renata and Galo , uses in its products eggs
from chickens confined in tiny cages , where they can not even walk or spread
their wings
For the end of caged chickens
EU, and another link for non-EU citizens. Fish like sea bass, sea bream and
trout are being kept in appalling conditions
https://meeresschutz.greenpeace.at/amazonas-riff/ Ask BP
to stop oil drilling in the Amazon Reef!
http://org2.salsalabs.com/o/5349/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=26594 US-info.
Shasta Dam raise would destroy imperiled salamander habitat and sacred
https://www.change.org/p/consiglieri-regionali-della-regione-marche-no-alla-caccia-nelle-aree-sic-zsc-e-zps-di-natura-2000 Italy.
No hunting in the SIC / ZSC and Natura 2000 areas!
https://www.change.org/p/mercadona-protesta-de-alimentos-hechos-con-aceite-de-palma Protest
against food made with palm oil
https://www.change.org/p/se%C3%B1ores-concejales-al-honorable-concejo-deliberante-de-puerto-deseado Deliberative
Council of Puerto Deseado and the Municipal Executive: repeal Ordinance No. 6933
HCD 2018, no killing of dogs to 'manage' their population, no extra fees for
having more than 2 dogs, no mandatory chipping, it will lead to more
https://www.change.org/p/asociaciones-y-clubes-de-atletismo-en-m%C3%A9xico-manuel-alcocer-suspensi%C3%B3n-definitiva-como-atleta Mexico.
Suspend Manuel Alcocer for kicking the dog running alongside the peloton
https://www.change.org/p/sonia-angrisani-ordinanza-contro-i-botti-di-capodanno For
an ordinance against the use of new year’s barrels
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/nl-nl/takeaction/287/429/007/ Tell
the Trump Administration: Stop Promoting International Trophy Hunting!
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/nl-nl/takeaction/875/146/888/ Help
Save Pangolins from Extinction!
This Elephant is So Skinny We've Named Her Bones — And She Needs Your Help (Sign
========== News and more =========
- http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm China. First click on
the Upper Box at your RIGHT! Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2 ! Nr. 1: NPC deputies
suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals.
Now more than 2232144 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly
fierce. Suggested punishment. More than 2232125 votes now. Every 24 hours
- http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm Changed, please vote
for Nr. 1 now, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on
the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 1, now more than
3426578 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for
public security administration . Every 24 hours -------------
Norway, Poll, scroll down please: Should it be permitted to hunt for Wolves in
Ulvesona? Vote Nei =No please (only 32% at this moment!) ! They are near
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