Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Petitions and More, July 3

http://www.stopdogmeat.com/#section_1a  3 Petitions, very urgent, and please share as much as possible!
http://www.30millionsdamis.fr/jagis/signer-la-petition/je-signe/31-pour-labolition-definitive-de-la-corrida-en-france/ Needs 1 Million signatures. For the definitive abolition of bullfighting in France
https://www.bloodyivory.org/petition/  If not signed yet. I call on the Parties to CITES, organisations, conservationists and people who care about elephants to reject any future proposals for trade in ivory and to support improved protection for elephants
https://secure.peta.nl/page/26674/petition/1 Request the new Prime Minister of Spain to end the bloody torture of bulls! First, last name, email
http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51135/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=22785 US-info. Support the Humane Cosmetics Act (H.R. 2790) !
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-cacahuete-yorkshire-9-ans-tue/45225 France. Justice for Peanut, yorkshire, 9 years old, killed with a hammer in Grasse
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/211950 UK. If not signed yet. Create a new independent welfare body to protect racehorses from abuse and death
https://support.peta.org/page/4527/action/1 Help Bears Forced to Perform at the State Fair of West Virginia
https://act.nrdc.org/letter/arctic-wildlife-180626 Speak up now and urge Interior Secretary Zinke to save Alaskan wildlife from senseless killing
https://act.greenpeace.org/page/23869/petition/1 New Zealand, Mackenzie country. Stop all new dairy conversions and intensification of existing livestock farming by making them both prohibited activities, effective immediately, in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater
https://us.e-activist.com/page/6070/action/1 Help us send 30,000 comments: Don’t let Big Oil destroy our oceans
https://act.greenpeace.org/page/26394/petition/1 To the CEOs of Citibank, Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, BBVA, Barclays, Credit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Mizuho, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto Dominion, Wells Fargo: To protect the environment, respect Indigenous rights, safeguard communities across national and sovereign territories from toxic spills
http://www.afma.gov.au/comment-form-authorising-transhipping-commonwealth-fisheries/ The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) is seeking comment on a draft policy and guidelines regarding the authorisation of transhipping activities in Commonwealth fisheries
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-san-sebasti%C3%A1n-de-los-reyes-suspensi%C3%B3n-de-la-becerrada-del-29-de-agosto Spain, region Madrid. Town Hall of San Sebastián de los Reyes: suspend the becerrada with calves to be held at August 29, young bulls tortured and killed afterwards!
https://www.change.org/p/mpfcordoba-justicia-por-kika-la-perrita-cordobesa-que-mataron-de-un-balazo Justice for Kika, the Cordovan dog that they killed with a bullet!
https://www.change.org/p/mar%C3%ADa-eugenia-vidal-hagan-respetar-la-ley-de-maltrato-animal-y-regulen-la-venta-de-animales-de-compa%C3%B1%C3%ADa Argentina. Buenos Aires.  Maria Eugenia Vidal promised to improve the situation of abandonment of pets in the province of Buenos Aires, please regulate possession/breeding and purchase / sale of pets!
https://www.change.org/p/juan-carlos-zureck-campa%C3%B1a-de-esterilizaci%C3%B3n-a-callejeros For a neutering campaign for stray animals in the district of La Molina
https://www.change.org/p/luigi-de-magistris-napoli-contro-accattonaggio-con-animali Italy. Naples. Take action on the numerous reports which need quick intervention against a clochard with puppies or small and medium-sized dogs that always change, abused, sometimes having been saved with payment by passersby and animal rights activists
https://www.change.org/p/uk-parliament-right-to-rescue  The right to rescue pets in hot cars, on time!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-hu%C3%A9rcal-overa-y-delegaci%C3%B3n-de-medio-ambiente-junta-de-salvar-nuestra-pedan%C3%ADa-de-las-macroexplotaciones-porcinas Spain, Andalucia. We are the neighbors of Gacía, an Almerian hamlet in the municipality of Huércal-Overa threatened by the imminent construction of a macro pig factory that will accommodate a total of 6,000 heads of pigs
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========
http://m.china.com.cn/node/20180119/index.htm  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1173559 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1171242 votes now. Every 24 hours------- 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See below:
http://m.china.com.cn/plug/20170228/index.htm  CHANGED! PLEASE VOTE FOR NR 2, Second page, NOW !!! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2360632  Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   --------------
http://www.worlddogalliance.org/china-how-it-was-a-political-perversion-not-culture-that-led-to-the-dog-meat-trade-as-we-know-it/ Article written by Sarah Brownlee, Head of Operation Hound and Campaigner against the Dog Meat Trade
http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/395135-senate-gop-seeks-overhaul-of-endangered-species-act The new bill represents the most significant threat in years to the 44-year-old law, which has been credited with rescuing the bald eagle, gray wolf and grizzly bear from possible extinction


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