Needs 60,000 signatures. Tell Japan: Stop selling all ivory! Weak laws only
provide cover for wildlife traffickers! Australia
must remain strong in opposing commercial whaling! Poland.
The information about the act, which was withdrawn by Law and Justice,
prohibiting cruel ritual slaughter and breeding fur animals, caused my
indignation. I am demanding that this law be continued!
Tweets and petition (scroll down please) Prevent the "bou embolat" from being
held again in the streets of Valencia!
Remind those responsible for the Casa de Misericordia of Pamplona that children
should be protected from bullfighting and all kinds of violence!
If not signed yet. Demand the end of the bullfights during Sanfermín!
Evaluate these two companies which promote animal torture and support
bullfighting, in a negative way and rate them with the minimum star!
Once more. BLM Planning Invasive Mare Sterilization Surgeries AGAIN! Help us
stop this cruelty now!
Scroll down please. Ask These Reps To Cosponsor HRes401 & To Urge Kevin
McCarthy To Move It to the Floor for a Vote! / Retweets for HRes401 (and other
The U.S. Senate will be discussing the Appropriations Minibus bill, HR 6147 with
all of its toxic sections tomorrow on the senate floor. The US Senate convenes
at 10AM eastern time in the morning ...Take action please!
US-info. Stop the dangerous efforts to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
to oil and gas development before it is too late; cosponsor H.R. 5911 and
protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!
To sign, and to vote after signing for Amazon Watch If
not signed/shared yet, please do! Italy.
Save the refuge of Palermo and its 170 dogs! Argentina.
Faced with the deaths of the female rhinoceros Ruth and the giraffe Jackie,
through negligence, and who knows how many more animals will see their fate, we
demand to transfer the Ecoparque wildlife, Buenos Aires, to Sanctuaries to
assert their rights, life and dignity! Mexico.
Include the bees as species at risk within the National Standardization Program
(PNN) 2019 of the Environmental Sector
Stop the circus with (wild) animals at Senlis Spain.
Stop the requirements in the new Regulatory Ordinance of the Tenure of Animals
of Company in many towns where there are no dog parks, to prohibit dogs from
public places! Spain.
Madrid. Demanding an area for dogs in the park next to the metro of
Manoteras Let's
include Hydroculture in the Educational System to teach how to preserve
water Demand
UK government gives animals the SAME rights OR BETTER than present and we demand
to know which laws have been changed and how! Tell
Washington Politicians: Quit Playing Politics with Conservation Plans! Join
us. Let's make climate damage a huge election issue!
========== News and more ========= China.
First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT! Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2 ! Nr.
1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the
abuse of animals. Now circa 1326920 votes.
Nr. 2: NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of
animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa
1325653 votes now. Every 24 hours------- CHANGED! PLEASE
VOTE FOR NR 2, SECOND PAGE! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on
the red hand or grey lining, to the SECOND page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa
2522827 votes. Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for
public security administration . Every 24 hours --------------
A bit of good news for wildlife: Shasta County Suspends Contract with
Wildlife-Killing Agency!
Croatia. Large-scale Dog Spaying/Neutering Campaign in Roma Settlements (May
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