Monday, July 2, 2018

Petitions and More, July 2 Another petition, to sign with a Facebook, Twitter or Naver account. End Dog and Cat Consumption by Stopping Illegal Slaughter. On June 20th, 2018, Congressman Chang Won Pyo proposed an amendment to the South Korean Animal Protection Act. It is an effective amendment that will bring about a ban of the illegal slaughter of dogs and cats. To pass this amendment we have started this petition to collect one million signatures. 1. Open link 2. First screen - Scroll down and click dark blue button 3. Second screen - Scroll down and click FB/Twitter or Naver icon option 4. Go back to petition and Repeat 1,2 - you can vote up to 3 times by clicking the fb, twitter or naver icons each time Retweet again,  3 Cosponsors from a majority in the House of Reps on the SAFE ACT to ban Horseslaughter! Austria. We demand harsher and stricter laws for hunters! Too many abuses during hunting!
Every year, 890,000 wild animals in Austria are killed by hunters, creating a lot of suffering and ecological imbalance! And prohibit the killing of pets! To confirm Save the Lipu-BirdLife in Italy, a key habitat for flamingo's and 250 other species of birds. Yet the construction of a hotel complex threatens to erase it forever! Confirm Save the neglected animals/donkeys in Meldert/Aalst, Belgium, no food, no water; the animal welfare service has to do it's job, this owner was 'reprimanded' before! To confirm France. An animal shelter for the 19 villages! Prevent poisoning and torture of abandoned animals. To confirm Anti Bullfighting Spain, needs more signatures As if there were not enough ways of killing wildlife, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency now wants to introduce hunting with arrows and bows! Help us stop the proposal ! (Name, email, skriv under)  If not signed yet. France. Close the dog breeding farm of Mézilles! France. Nicolas Hulot, Minister of the Ecological and Solidarity Transition, is asked to ban the sale and production of Anti Bird Gels! To confirm France. The town of Romilly sur Seine has applied deadly bird glue on the fountain to "annoy" birds! ️! ️Domestic sparrows protected by law and pigeons stuck to it and are dying after a slow death! France.  Minister, we ask you to take urgent measures to transfer the polar bears kept in captivity by Marineland and ask you to ban on the medium term the captivity of these mammals in France, it's too hot! We want heavy penalties for these torturers from Diksmuide, Belgium, for drowning a young labrador by dumping him in the water with a bag of stones on his feet! First, last name, country, town, email. To confirm Canada-ZIP, format A1A 1A1. Clearcut logging is happening all along the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains, including in Kananaskis Country, with negative impacts to these ecosystems! Canada. Build a highway overpass and highway fencing on the Trans-Canada Highway at Bow Valley Gap for wildlife! Amazon sells products that are illegal because of animal cruelty Ask the government to regulate farms! Spain. City Council of Arganda del Rey, say NO to the collection of animals by the company Recolte SA who's management of animals is being investigated in court for causing the agonizing death of hundreds of animals! Greece.  NO to the closure of the Trikala Refuge! We demand the change of director of the municipal dog pound of Son Reus; the animals there are condemned to death and the conditions are inhumane! Remove Netflix show"The Hunt" by Scott Haugen, this show is based on Scott Haugen,s hunting of exotic animals such as Lions, Cheetas, Lepards and Rhinos! Italy. Italian law allowing armed persons to enter and shoot on private property is a violation of the fundamental rights of each of us!  As a result of the above, also pursuant to Article 50 of the Constitution, the Italian Parliament is asked to repeal Article 842 (allowing the practice of hunting even on private land and without prior authorization) of the Italian Civil Code! Italy. Abolish the practice and strictly prohibit the use of birds locked up in dirty cages for live calls, and to maintain the prohibition of the use of acoustic, mechanical, electromagnetic or electromechanical calls, with or without sound amplification and to prohibit their sale Amplify Women's Voices in Conservation
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1169716 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1167476 votes now. Every 24 hours------- 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See below:  CHANGED! PLEASE VOTE FOR NR 2 NOW !!! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2356832 Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   --------------


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