Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Petitions and More, January 2

https://www.facebook.com/OnlyNomaly/videos/10212653703648966/  Changsha, Hunan province China: A police officer violently kills a gentle Golden Retriever. Report is that the Golden Retriever was beaten to death for a few hours, many passers-by tried to intervene without success. Post/send a message please!
https://www.facebook.com/groups/ActivistsforHR1406/permalink/1774635456171885/  Randy Weber, FINAL Target # 7 of 7 Key Reps; ask for his support to outlaw dog and cat meat in the USA. Please cosponsor HR1406 Dog and Cat Meat Trade Prohibition Act of 2017! Copy/paste send or compose your own letter!
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/202986 Urge the Chinese government to stop the annual Yulin Dog Eating Festival! To confirm!
https://www.change.org/p/a-modificaci%C3%B3n-a-la-ley-de-proteci%C3%B3n-de-los-animales-cdmx Mexico. We need changes, additions added to the Law of Protection of Animals CDMX!
https://www.change.org/p/jesper-brodin-ikea-stoppt-den-verkauf-von-tierqualprodukten-echtfell-und-echtleder IKEA: stop the sale of ‘animal quality products’, real fur and real leather!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-almer%C3%ADa-esterilizaci%C3%B3n-animales-sin-hogar-en-almer%C3%ADa-ya Spain. Almeria. Initiate a campaign of sterilization of homeless animals now! 
https://www.change.org/p/miguel-rico-rincon-se%C3%B1or-alcalde-de-pitalito-miguel-rico-proh%C3%ADba-el-consumo-de-alcohol-en-las-cabalgatas  Colombia. Mayor of Pitalito, Miguel Rico, prohibit the consumption of alcohol to prevent mistreatment of horses during (and after) horseback riding!
https://www.change.org/p/consell-insular-d-eivissa-que-se-proh%C3%ADba-el-uso-de-las-concertinas-en-ibiza Spain. Ibiza. We do not accept this new violation by rich people who do not respect the spirit of our island! Prohibit the use of excessive barbed wire around private farms and other locations, very harmful for animals as well!
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-reoc%C3%ADn-liberen-a-un-perro-que-lleva-atado-con-una-cadena-d%C3%ADa-y-noche-durante-m%C3%A1s-de-4-a%C3%B1os Spain.  Reocín. Free the dog that has been tied up with a chain day and night for more than 4 years!
https://www.change.org/p/silvano-aureolas-conejo-gobernador-de-michoac%C3%A1n-yupikclinicalcheck-urge-examen-clinico-de-la-osa-polar-del-zoo-de-morelia  Mexico. Michoacán. Requesting an urgent medical examination for the polar bear in the Morelia zoo, in order to have him relocated to a colder environment
https://www.change.org/p/constanza-matanza-indiscriminada-de-elefantes Indiscriminate killing of elephants in Zimbabwe. targets...
https://www.change.org/p/retirar-masterchef-junior-de-la-programaci%C3%B3n-por-su-crueldad Spain. We ask RTVE to remove 'Masterchef  Junior' from its programming because it  contributes to more violence towards of children towards animals
https://www.change.org/p/pierre-herm%C3%A9-maison-pierre-herm%C3%A9-stop-aux-%C5%93ufs-de-poules-en-cage France. Maison Pierre Hermé: Stop the use of eggs of hens in cages!
                         ========  News and more   ==========
http://www.zctfofficialsite.org/1555-2 29th December 2017 Sad update on the baby elephants enroute to China
https://www.environews.tv/usa-articles/  Environmental, Wildlife news

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