Originates from https://www.change.org/p/government-of-canada-to-place-political-pressure-on-china
Altered, translated, using simplified Chinese, imperfect... I used as a
(neutral) subject 中国2018年1月 (China 2018, January) but it’s easy to choose
another subject, just have it translated under Google translate. One can add
more (short) sentences, all to be translated into Chinese simplified, but
rechecking it is recommended, sometimes an incorrect translation appears. At least 3
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- 在中国,失去的狗可能会被警方殴打致死。许多中国公民不能忍受这种行为
------------------------------------- Google translation
Chairman, Minister, Governor, Ambassador, Mr., Mrs.
Fact: At present there is no law in China to prevent animal abuse and
deliberate torture
Facts: Since 2009, China has drafted a "Law on the Prevention of Abuse of
Animals" to convict the abuse of animals.
Fact: The draft 2009 (written by a legal scholar led by Professor Zhang
Jiyuan), if adopted, will protect the rights of wildlife, livestock, farms,
laboratories and working animals.
Fact: Chinese animals suffer incredibly brutal and painful daily.
The following are just a few examples of the Chinese government's tolerant
treatment of cruelty animals.
- Every year, millions of cats and dogs in China are consumed by humans.
Dogs are kept in terrible dog farms, other animals have seen the neckline and
confirmed that they are stolen pets. They deliberately murdered brutally. They
were beaten, kicked, burned, alive cooking. intentionally
- Yulin dog festival since its establishment in 2009, received a lot of
negative publicity. In this 10-day festival, there are over 10,000 dogs and
cats, many of whom are stolen pets and are subjected to brutal and inhuman
- Fur farms in China are also subjected to extreme cruelty. Many species of
animals, including dogs and cats, are placed in open-air cages and must
withstand extreme climatic changes until slaughtered. Although they beat with
sticks, they tend to be alive when the skin is peeled off from the body.
- In China, lost dogs may be beaten to death by the police. Many Chinese
citizens can not stand this kind of behavior
Bear gall culture also caused great pain. Maintained in small cages, every
day using a variety of painful techniques to obtain bear bile, often lead to
infection. In spite of the herbal and synthetic alternatives, these cruel
inhumane practices are continuing.
In some Chinese zoos, tigers and lions are fed by live animals. Children
are watching. This can cause abuse by the next generation
No one in the world has the right to abuse or cause any animal suffering.
As a global partner in other countries that have legislation on animal rights,
China now needs legislation to ensure that all animals are protected from
terrible cruelty!
China has to stop animal abuse and torture!
China demands that you make your legislation!
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