Thursday, January 18, 2018

Petitions and More, January 18 Reject S. 2277! There are just over 100 Mexican gray wolves living in the wild -- but Sen. Jeff Flake just introduced legislation to erase their Endangered Species Act protections, a devastating step backwards, opening the door to hunting, trapping and habitat loss! US-info  Retweets. We Must Set An Example that we will Not Tolerate Dog&Cat Meat For Human Consumption In The USA  And Globally, Please Ask Congress to Cosponsor HR1406! The UK government ordered the country's last fur farm to close its doors back in 2003, but fur cruelty is now being imported from overseas Protest! Norway has become the world's largest whaling country! More alerts, they all need more signatures Needs 5000 signatures! Austrian law should protect animal life in livestock farming against burning to death and not just the property of people! To confirm But not during extreme weather conditions and only by qualified , authorized organisations, people US-info. Only 180 Left: Act Now to Save the Florida Panther!  Fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Tell Administrator Pruitt and President Trump to Restore The EPA’s Integrity! Introduce a law prohibiting the breeding of fur animals in France! To confirm US-info.  Co-sponsor the Rural Economic Vitalization Act – a bill that's good for America's public lands and Wilderness areas, native fish and wildlife, and even taxpayer wallets!  H.R. 3624 would allow federal grazing permit users to waive their grazing permit back to the U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management !  Say No to overseas fishing fleets in Australian waters! France. So that Haute, the cow of the Salon de l'Agriculture, never ends up at the slaughterhouse. To confirm Russia. Moscow, Prosecutor. Nekrasovka dogpound: where did the money go ment to feed the homeless, hungry and starving dogs? Bring chairman Rodionova to justice! Russia. Support my petition to include isoniazid (tubazid), antituberculous drug, in list A and leave it exclusively on prescriptions! It is used for baiting dogs (and cats), they die in terrible agony and there is very little time to save a pet! Italy. We want true justice for the poisoning of the feline colony of 15 cats in Marina del Cantone! Brazil. Requesting a police station for animal protection in Recife!  Brazil. State of Minas Gerais. Demanding an end to  animal testing in the Cosmetic Industry, already prohibited in at least 5 Brazilian states! Argentina. Gov. of the City of Buenos Aires: Animal abuse should be treated as a crime! Brazil. Taubaté Municipal Council. Against the return of Rodeo’s! Russia. Put an end to the project "Etazhi" in St. Petersburg, the so-called festival of animals Brazil. Request to decontaminate and clean-up the Tiete river France. Save our fish! For the total ban on all year fishing with nets in the constrictions of the Dordogne!  Russia. Ban the sale and use of pyrotechnics Spain. City of San Cristobal de La Laguna, regulate the use and sale of fireworks and all kinds of pyrotechnics Italy. Abolish the new year's barrels in Pavia  Help us keep the feral cats at Deuel Vocational Institution in Tracy, CA from being exterminated and the Feral Cat Program in operation!
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