Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Petitions and More, August 9  Urge the Governor of Wakayama NOT to sign a permit condemning innocent dolphins to misery and slaughter! Target: 250,000 signatures Help reach 115,000 signatures, scroll down to sign: We are calling on the OIE (World Animal Health Organisation) to oppose live animal export globally !  ZIP=5 digits. Congress, #NoHorseSlaughter The American people are firmly against horse slaughter and the destruction of America's healthy wild horses and burros! Goal: 10,000 sign. Unilever - No to clearcut for food supplements! Unilever's "Sustainable palm oil" is an empty promise, which accepts that its palm oil supplier Wilmar in West Kalimantan is destroying one of the largest mangrove forests in Indonesia! Help reach 100,000 sign. US-info. Ask Congress to Put an End to Poisoning Wildlife and Companion Animals, cosponsor HR 1817! US-info. Crisis for Wolves: Urge Your Senators to Oppose a New Bill That Would Strip Protections! US-info. Please support the PUPPERS Act (HR 3197) to defund painful VA dog experiments!
Needs 35,000. Congress, we care about Africa’s wildlife and we want HR 2603 stopped now! Greece. Protest! The Mayor of Serres is suggesting to have all stray animals killed which are not adopted and that he will try to change the law in Greece which prohibits euthanasia of healthy animals!  ZIP=5 digits. Needs 50,000 sign. Urge the FWS to revise the Mexican gray wolf recovery plan so that it’s based on the best available science. Mexican Wolf Draft Recovery Plan, First Revision (FWS-R2-ES-2017-0036-0001) Government of Colombia, save and support the Animal Safe Refuge in Geneva, Valle del Cauca, hosting more than 900 dogs on a permanent basis, making it the largest refuge in South America!
Please do not sign the petition against Radu Termure, Romania, if it’s sent to you! It’s very damaging, hateful and dangerous in every way! Relocation from the rented farmers property where he and his apr. 1000 dogs and cats have to live now, is necessary and very urgent!  The update is from 2 months ago!
------------------------------------------------------------- France. Justice for the cat In Tonnerre (Yonne 89). August 1 2017, an 18 year old cat, loved by his masters, was the victim of children, attempted drowning, followed by various kicks, sustaining head trauma, resulting in death! France. Ardennes: justice for the murdered dog, tied behind a vehicle, at the Intermarché de Carignan (near Sedan): exemplary punishment, 2 years prison at least, and a final ban on keeping pets! Argentina. End the indiscriminate and torturous killing and slaughter of the animals in these agrarian schools, exert control on raising, and on permits! Brazil. Improve inspections of the kennels, breeders and pet shops of the city of SP! Spain. Stop the (deliberate) forest fires,  further investigation of the culprits, apply more severe penalties! Carozzi:  Say No the torture of chickens in cages Brazil. Prohibit indiscriminate fishing or harpoon hunting in Brazilian rivers, it's immensely damaging animal life in reservoir lakes throughout the country!  Help these horses find a life of peace.... South Korea: Protect All Dogs From The Cruel Dog Meat Industry! Real Punishment for Animal Abusers! Justice for Lulu, The Dog Who Died in United Cargo
                              ========   News and more   ======== Vote against (Contre!) Bullfighting, la corrida! Click on the image please Updates, dog meat trade


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