Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Petitions and More, August 22

http://www.legalisierte-tierqual.de/#petition Once more. Federal Chancellor Dr. Merkel: Stop the legalized animal cruelty in the farming industry!
https://www.animalrights.nl/ban-de-vossenjacht More attention please. The Netherlands. Ban the fox hunt in Flevoland, these hunting parties cause unimaginable animal suffering! 
https://action.peta2.com/page/2431/action/1  Drop Cruel and Dangerous Elephant Rides
https://www.change.org/p/prefeito-crivella-rio-de-janeiro-parem-de-matar-os-c%C3%A3es-na-fazenda-modelo-do-rio-de-janeiro Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Stop the killing of and experimenting on dogs in this dogpound (Animal Welfare Sub- Secretariat)  !  (Government started a reprisal action against the Animal Protectors of RJ...) 
https://www.change.org/p/prefeitura-de-brumadinho-mg-eles-precisam-de-nossa-ajuda Brazil. Mayor of Brumadinho, create true shelters for abandoned animals, support the NGOs that already carry out this work, ensuring the treatment and castration of these animals by specialists, as well as an effective adoption campaign!
https://www.change.org/p/facebook-verbot-der-gewaltbeitr%C3%A4ge-von-tierqu%C3%A4lern-bei-facebook Animal cruelty. It is forbidden to use Facebook for the promotion or organization of criminal activities, in which individuals, companies or Animals are harmed physically. Remove such content and persons And report it to the competent penal authorities, since public safety also includes animals. The perpetrators must be held accountable!
https://www.change.org/p/no-m%C3%A1s-ventas-ni-regalos-de-perros-entre-particulares-por-internet Spain. No more sales or give-aways of Dogs between individuals online; breeding and subsequent marketing of puppies and adults by individuals must stop Now!
https://www.change.org/p/insanl%C4%B1k-onuru-i%C3%A7in-hayvanlara-tecav%C3%BCz-edip-serbest-kalan-bu-sap%C4%B1k-tutuklans%C4%B1n Turkey. Arrest this pervert (again) for raping animals! Bornova district of Izmir, sexually abused stray dogs on video recordings were posted, taken into custody, but only administrative penalties were applied!
https://www.change.org/p/bilgi-afyonkarahisar-gov-tr-kiri-ya-bunu-yapanlar-derhal-bulunmali-ve-cezalandirilmalidir Tukey. Sığracık village. Justice for this donkey, killed by means of a water hose!
https://www.change.org/p/ankara-da-kedi-katliam%C4%B1 Turkey. Ankara. Requesting more severe punishment for the Cat massacre!
https://www.change.org/p/%C3%A0-mme-le-maire-pour-la-st%C3%A9rilisation-de-nos-chats-errants-de-la-commune-de-port-de-bouc-13110 France. Demanding Sterilization and Refuge for our stray Cats in the commune of Port de Bouc 13110
https://www.change.org/p/pdab-partido-dos-defensores-dos-animais-do-brasil-pelo-fim-dos-maus-tratos-contra-os-animais Brazil. Ill-treatment of animals is now regulated by Law 9605/98. But measures that provide  effective projects against animal abuse are not fulfilled. We propose a more severe Law applicability where acts of negligence and cruelty are treated with due rigor
https://www.change.org/p/zoo-safari-fasano-br-ri%C3%B9-il-gorilla-triste Italy. Transfer the only Italian, sad Gorilla, 38 years old, to another place in the EU, for company
                  ==========   News and more   ==========
https://www.facebook.com/LifeTimesSL/videos/1901006976582845/ Sri Lanka is legalising elephant trafficking, 33 elephants illegally taken from the wild, are now confiscated by the government  
http://act.navs.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=3022.0&dlv_id=8251#.WZvsCPgjE4k US. NAVS is pleased to see that many features of the Animal Care Public Search Tool have been restored, but there appear to be elements of the interactive database that are still missing


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