Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Petitions and More, August 15

http://www.correbous.org/  Spain. Against the correbous! Catalan Parliament, end once and for all traditions that include animal abuse, without exception of the correbous!
http://www.sanferminsinsangre.org/ Demand the end of bullfights during the fiestas of Sanfermín in Pamplona!
https://www.facebook.com/OnlyNomaly/posts/10211613102074577 Retweets. Outlaw #CatDogMeatTrade! Pls send #HRes401 co-sponsorship to @RepHastingsFL
https://www.facebook.com/groups/PassHRes30/permalink/460601964310711/ Retweets. Chinese Gov., establish animal protection laws!
https://www.petitieonline.com/dorim_campanii_de_sterilizare_gratuita_a_cainilor_in_focsani Italy. Start a free Dog neuter and spay campaign in Focsani! To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/verite-eclate-empoisonne-400-chats-saint/32305 France. Let the truth come out:  who poisoned more than 400 cats in Saint-Pierre-la-Mer? To confirm
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/stop-faut-agir-faveur-retrait-animaux/32353 France. Var. Save the goats, sheep and dogs still alive from this shepherd, the situation gets worse every day! 
https://www.mesopinions.com/sondage/animaux/demande-inscription-animaux-constitution-francaise-opinion/7038 ‘Animal rights in the French constitution’ . Vote ‘pour’ (agree)
https://weact.campact.de/petitions/unsere-heimische-natur-stirbt-aufschrei-jetzt Germany. Our native nature dies - cry out now! To confirm
http://bit.ly/2i18OrU Bangladesh. Stop the indiscriminate slaughter of dogs in all violating districts!
https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-vito-justice-for-the-joseph-davis-trust Andulsian stallion & 21 horses, starved & neglected by Oakland county lawyers & Davis kids!
https://www.change.org/p/aan-de-leden-van-de-tweede-kamer-der-staten-generaal-dierenrechten-zijn-levensrechten The Netherlands. Request for a change of the law (a new law) in which animal rights are centralized and the animal is recognized as a legal person. Better protection for all animals is extremely necessary and urgent. In the case of maltreatment and abuse of animals, higher penalties shall apply. With repeated violations an absolute ban on keeping animals!
https://www.change.org/p/arno-kompatscher-dimissioni-di-ugo-rossi Italy. We ask for the resignation of Ugo Rossi , current President of the Autonomous Province of Trento, for his inability to handle the policies to safeguard an area naturally rich in biodiversity!
https://www.change.org/p/gian-luca-galletti-anche-l-orsa-kj2-%C3%A8-stata-abbattuta-chiediamo-giustizia-per-questo-assassinio-di-stato Italy. Protest. The KJ2 bear was also killed. We demand justice for this state assassination!
http://bit.ly/2vyZhwG Russia.  Accept the Federal Law "On the Protection of Animals". This bill has been revised and revised for several years, but so far it has not been accepted!
http://bit.ly/2wLy3l8 Japan.  If the disturbance of the Dugong habitat continues as it is, the extinction of the Okinawa Dugong, which maintains the population in a small number, is inevitable!
https://www.change.org/p/d-jose-manuel-silgo-navarro-cancelaci%C3%B3n-novillada-agosto-2017-el-viso-de-san-juan Spain. We ask for the cancellation of the Novillada in August 2017 at El Viso de San Juan and commitment to exclude events involving death or suffering of animals!
https://www.change.org/p/c%C3%A2mara-municipal-de-nova-friburgo-rodeio-em-friburgo-n%C3%A3o Brazil.  Brazil. City hall: do not approve cruel rodeo's in Nova Friburgo, keep it banned 
http://bit.ly/2fV65vg Help restore and protect nature in the Republic of Komi!
https://www.change.org/p/para-sa-kalikasan No to Nickelodeon theme park in Coron, Palawan
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/421/775/849/ End the Illegal Asian Elephant Trade in Laos
                  =========   News and more   =========
https://www.facebook.com/We-Are-Not-Food-1115281081906449/?hc_ref=ARRBaTYAlNS2I2a9hnDFePEg_sR5XN76dl0izZXGLuJm72p4t39lxfLLqSpqN2kb37Y&pnref=story.unseen-section  Scroll down for updates. 2017-08-15 Update on Truck Intercepted at YanCheng, JiangSu, China, yesterday


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