Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Petitions and More, April 8

http://apvnm.org/news_updates/2014/racing_video.php   Take action please! New Mexico, other US States
http://www.mallorcasinsangre.org/#signatures   Help us end Bullfighting in Mallorca!
http://petition.pmaf.org/p/castration   Only 5% will become adult! We ask for a total ban on surgical castration of piglets!
http://www.junglistan.org/   Essar quit Mahan! No to destroying forests in Mahan! Endangered wildlife, over 5 lakh trees, 14000 people- they all need you now!
https://secure.defenders.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2713  FWS,  review the status of Idaho’s persecuted wolf population!  US ZIP
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/614/448/812/   Demand that FWS Review the Status of Idaho's Wolves!
                                                              ===========    News, polls, video’s  ==========
http://www.andreazanoni.it/it/news/post/vietiamo-lesportazione-di-animali-vivi-fuori-europa.html  Andrea Zanoni: We prohibit the export of live animals outside Europe! Use Google translate please