Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Petitions and More, Jan 28


https://act.thehumaneleague.org/lethal-heat-stress  Millions of animals are killed by overheating. It’s slow. It’s deliberate. And it’s an approved industry practice
https://animalequality.de/kampagne/tierschutz-ist-nicht-verhandelbar/#petition Reminder. Animal Equality calls on the future German government to put animal welfare back on the political agenda. To confirm
https://act.aldf.org/page/78538/data/1 Animal cruelty victims deserve justice!
https://koreandogs.org/prong-collars/  Dangers of using prong (pinch) collars
https://www.change.org/p/que-la-asamblea-nacional-del-archive-la-loda-una-ley-que-no-protege-a-los-animales  Ecuador. Let the National Assembly archive the LODA! It will allow zoophilia, deny the sentience of animals, authorize the use of cruel methods of slaughter, animal experimentation and mutilations, maintain and legalize cockfighting, bullfighting and other exploitations, allow trading and breeding unregulated. Uphold the LOA Bill, drafted by the Ombudsman's Office!
https://www.change.org/p/giustizia-per-oliver/  Justice for Oliver, killed by a pitbull while he was staying for a few days in a paid kennel near Turin
https://www.change.org/p/stop-razzismo-verde-ius-soli-per-tutte-le-forme-di-vita-che-si-naturalizzano  Ius soli for all forms of life that naturalize in our Italian territory! No to Green Racisme
https://www.change.org/p/exigimos-la-renuncia-de-ministra-de-ambiente-por-desidia-durante-los-incendios-forestales  We demand the resignation of the environment minister for negligence during the forest fires
https://www.change.org/p/p%C3%A9tition-contre-l-inaction-du-carrefour-canin-de-ste-m%C3%A9lanie-et-notre-dame-de-lourde  Deep concern about the inaction of the Carrefour Canin and the municipality regarding a negligent dog owner whose dogs have been left free for many years and regularly attack small pets resulting in death
https://www.change.org/p/yaylam%C4%B1z%C4%B1-kurtar Turkey. Save our Plateau from the “Çallıca Solar Power Plant in the Çam Çukuru Locality, Kemer Village, destroying the environment and natural life
https://www.change.org/p/impedir-la-construcci%C3%B3n-de-una-mega-planta-de-biometano-en-pinarejos-segovia Prevent the construction of a mega biomethane plant in Pinarejos, Segovia, endangering not only humans, but also the precious flora and fauna of our region
https://www.change.org/p/tree-life-statt-d-live-h%C3%A4nde-weg-von-den-b%C3%A4umen-im-landschaftsschutzgebiet  Hands off the trees in the landscape conservation area, save biodiversity, Düsseldorf. No to D-Live concerts
https://tinyurl.com/3yypdrfj  Village of Tishkovo. Stop the illegal work on creating a road in our forest
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/146/778/516/haftstrafe-gefordert-f%C3%BCr-die-frau-die-ihre-katze-verhungern-lies/  We demand that the justice system implement a prison sentence and that this woman goes to prison for what she did to her cat
Free clicks: 
https://www.animalwebaction.com/en/collectes/18909/croquettes-sos-650-chiens-bosnie-spas/ Please click a few times a day and/ or donate if possible 
https://movementforgood.com/ The Movement for Good Awards  

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