Saturday, January 18, 2025

Petitions and More, Jan. 18 Call for Reform in BLM’s Wild Horse Program Keep lynx habitat undisturbed and wild, protecting critical habitat is crucial Demand Mexican officials to protect bulls from cruel exploitation, bullfighting is not “culture”; it is torture!  Turkey. Burdur. Arrest the Person Who Killed the Endangered Caracal, facing extinction! The impunity of the person who committed this brutal act will pave the way for other similar crimes!  City of Campo Largo and Mayor Mauricio Rivabem comply with the allocation of the promissed funds in a transparent and prompt manner, honoring the commitment made to Congressman Matheus Laiola and the SOS 4 Patas Institute  Mexico. We demand that Iker Frangie's appointment be revoked. Defend the environment! Address environmental causes in Jalisco, and commit to placing specialized people at the head of the institutions who can successfully carry out their tasks, in this case, the proper administration of environmental justice  Hotel and restaurant unions, let each restaurant offer at least one vegetarian dish and one completely plant-based dish Spain. We request speed bumps at the Paterna Tactical Range A Louisiana Man Used a Machete to Punish an Innocent Dog A Florida Dog Was Neglected Until It Died Locked in a Crate, Lying in Its Own Waste
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News Brave employees continue coming forward to report what’s really happening inside U.S. animal research laboratories, and their attestations make clear that animal researchers’ actions do not match their words.

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